Gnomen 350 -
Thus the 1st Sign of the Donkey, while containing
the Completed Signs of the Donkey, Messiah ben Yosef, is also the ‘Key’ to
understanding the nature of the Donkey Sign in that first tragic mission. I
bring here the 2 Signs for reference:
- (March - 1984 - Milan) - In her dream,
Sig.-a Nelda Levi saw a Donkey with its cart walking along a street in Milan. The Donkey pulled up
outside of a Bakery (Bread-Store - Paneteria), became unattached from its cart,
walked into the Bakery and ate Bread. Peretz, from a Fruit and Vegetable Stand
alongside the Bakery watched the entire scene. - -
(Sign of the Donkey who eats Bread)
44 - Sarah (Puddu) dreamed (March 5, 1985 - Milan)
that she was in Sardinia. She was going to buy bread. In the first bread-store she was offered
good things, but not bread. She bought bread in another bread-store. She was
walking along the road with the bread under her arm. She wanted to take a
short-cut but the guards told her to go around the building. A roll of bread
went out from under her arm and rolled along the ground. From the other
direction (after she had turned the corner) a man was on a cart drawn by an
ass. The bread stopped just under the head of the ass. At first the ass was
taken aback, perhaps frightened, and he wanted to make away. Then he took hold
of himself, took a step backwards and ate the bread. -
(this is the
all-important Completed Sign of the Donkey who eats Bread of the second year)
The 1st Sign is all marvellous and unnatural while
the 2nd Sign is marvellous in content but contained in nature more than the 2nd
351 -
In the 1st Sign there is no rider while, in the
2nd Sign, the elderly man who guides the cart pulled by the Donkey is present.
The Donkey of the 2nd Sign proclaims the Goel, remaining in his Donkeyhood,
while the Donkey of the 1st Sign can virtually announce only himself in the
‘name’ of a ‘marvellous Christhood’ that is upon him. Likewise on the level of
our mission, the Donkey Sign of the 1st 6 years was too amazing for most
people. It was too much for them and they left. And, similar to the mission of
Yeshua in terms of signs, the ‘mission’ of the 1st 6 years failed and the
Donkey was condemned by the ‘judges’ of his mission even though he was
innocent. In the Completed Signs, however, when the first mission dies with the
‘hanging’ of the first Donkey, the Signs have already entered the 2nd period of
6 years in fulfilment of the Signs of
the hhamor, mashiahh ben david.
352 -
The prophecy says ‘he will not raise his voice
outside’ etc. But the 1st 6 years under the Sign of the Stars was the mission
of announcing outside and speaking up as much as possible. So too the mission
of Yeshua was a speaking up (and performing) outside from its beginning until
its bitter end. Yeshua wasn’t given time to enter the second set of Signs. The
second period is under the Sign of the Kingdom of Heaven
in which no words are spoken. The ‘Hidden Donkey who eats Bread descends to
establish the Hidden School of Esther for the sake of Israel’s
353 -
When we say that the Donkey Sign was missing in
Jesus’ mission, this can be best understood by hypothesising how many of his
statements would have sounded had they been counterbalanced by Donkey talk
which throws down to the ground any illumination that might be used as
self-ingrandment or misinterpreted for the object of its adoration. No such
words are found in the Gospels. Jesus never says ‘Don’t take me for your object
of worship, for I am nil but a perpetrator of God’s will. I am skin and bone as
everyone else; give honour to God alone and not to a Donkey as I am’. So could
all the Gospels become counter-balanced if after each elevating statement of
Jesus, a Donkey statement be placed in juxtaposition.
354 -
Thus Yeshua in that mission was in truth the First
Donkey of the Messianic Signs, but he could not proclaim (nor understand) his
own Donkeyhood nor could he proclaim the Goel or the Elderly Man driving the
Cart of the Good News and guiding the Donkey who eats Bread. Yet all who saw
him and ate the Bread which he gave them to eat were amazed as one would
naturally be amazed at seeing a donkey walk into a Bread-store, stand up on his
hind legs and eat bread. If Jesus could have said before his judges that he was
the Donkey who ate the Bread of the Redemption, the case would have been closed
and they would have let him go free. He did not have the Sign in his hands,
however, and he was already fully vested in the Signs of his Sacrificial
Christhood. There was no chuckling Donkey. He had to be ready to die for that
Christhood which had been carved out for him to choose.
355 -
What we are saying is true. One good Bray of Jesus
would have destroyed the entire Christian error for all history but how could
he have been the Donkey if he had to sit on one? And if he had made himself a
Donkey, who would have ridden on him? Go where you may stray, Jesus had no
choice other than that of not taking upon himself the mission at all or of becoming the Christ-victim of the same. If
being the Christ-victim had only been the sacrifice of his life, that may yet
have been considered ‘easy’ compared to the real victimisation attached to that
sacrifice. Being the Christ of the Star of Christ in that Initial Mission
carried with it the disproportion and distortion that led to the abominable and
idolatrous deification of the poor Jewish Christ of history.
356 -
There are some phrases in the Gospels which taken
objectively in the language given may be interpreted as referring to a Final
Goel who will come in a future time. Christianity because of its inability to
see anything outside of Christ created from those statements various
eschatological theories concerning the Second Coming of Christ. According to
them Jesus was foretelling his own return. The truth of the matter is that
Jesus himself was confused about the ‘identity’ of the ‘Final Goel’. That
confusion, together with the fierce illumination of the Star of Christ which
astounds the mind with the mirrored influences of the redemptional stars, could
only have worked towards an inner build-up of his own person until it seemed to
him at times that he himself was the chosen one. The fact that Yeshua was
fooled into such a thought, I received directly from the Tzadik Haim.
357 -
Clearly only in the second Completed Sign of the
Donkey does the Donkey remain attached to the Cart and knows that he is being
driven by the Elderly Man. It is most probable that the Teacher of Justice from his place above
knew all that was happening to Yeshua in the mission that he had undertaken.
Jesus, however, was detached from the Cart of the Good News brought by the
Teacher of Justice and there could be no relationship between them. As will be
explained, God willing, the Initial Signs themselves, exiting from the School
without authorisation, represent the passing of those Signs from a state of
Sanctity to the ‘other side’ of that Sanctity which is extremely impure. It is
enough to understand the intense impurity involved in idolatrous doctrines that
deny the Oneness of God and contradict the Second Commandment, or to see the
pagan cultism of Catholicism and to realise how far the true Initial Signs
became removed from the initial sanctity in the pure faith of Abraham.
358 -
Once the Signs were brought outside without
permission and used to astound others as they were, and the person perpetrating
those marvels was the ‘self-appointed’ Christ of the Star of Christ, it was
virtually impossible that great confusion and eventual theological abominations
not extend from such a mission. And once Jesus embarked upon the mission, he
was completely on his own and could not turn back, for his decision closed him
off from the true equilibrium of the Signs. Since, however, he believed that he
was ‘chosen’ for that ‘self-appointed’ mission he went ahead to perform
miracles and healings and exorcisms etc., and he attempted to expound in pithy
teachings, mainly based on the ‘Universal Signs’ of the Star of Christ, on
various aspects of the Kingdom of Heaven and on several purposes of the
Messianic Mission as he was perceiving them.
359 -
In truth no one sent Yeshua, not God, not the
Teacher of Justice, not the teachers of the School, not the prophet Elijah and
not John the Baptist. Nevertheless, as we shall take up, God willing, in
Yeshuat Yeshua, Jesus was not ‘wrong’ in essence in assuming that he was the
‘chosen one’ of that ‘self-appointed’ mission, and he believed in his spirit
and in the spirit that was on him that he was as a son being guided by his
Father in Heaven. This was indeed the ‘New Doctrine’ taught by Yeshua which
represented an entirely new approach, unlike any of the other Essene teachings,
in bringing people into the ‘New Spirit’ of salvation. His was the mission of re-teaching the Jewish people that God refers to
them as His children, and that each individual in his service should strive to
be a ‘son’ of God.
360 -
So too with all that we may speak of Yeshua’s
error, we must not think that he was not acting le-shem shamaim ‘for the sake of Heaven’. That trap which
afterwards became an idolatrous trap for the nations of Esau, was a necessary
unbalance within the framework of the Divine Design in History in order to bind
those nations to the history of Israel
for the sake of the final redemption. Also the falsehoods would be trapped into
the New Testament tradition so that humanity be corrected by their Correction
in the Final Coming of the Messianic Star of Christ. Poor Jesus knew nothing
about the forms of Christianity that would derive from his mission.
361 -
was not ‘selected’ because of his cunning to steal the Signs from the Essenes
or because of his sharp originality in adjusting the Signs to fit the mission
he sought or because of his desire to astound the masses with the kabbalah
ma’asit or because he wanted to enlarge his own name, but because of the
sincerity of his justified outrage against the evils of that time, an outrage which in his hands more
than in the hands of anyone else corresponded to the ‘outrage’ of the God of
Israel against His ‘messianic people’ who had utterly failed in their mission.
362 -
It was in truth the jealousy of God that did it
all, not Jesus or John the Baptist, nor the Teacher of Justice or the Essenes
nor even the Star of Christ. The corruption of the nation had awakened the
wrath of God. Yeshua was an instrument for telling Israel
that it had been condemned as a rebellious son. It happened once that a man of
many sins, a thief, a liar and a seducer of women died and was taken to
judgement in the Higher Tribunal. With him were called his witnesses and
immediately thousands of terrible monstrous angels created by his sins who
stood up ready to take vengeance on him when the judgement would be final.
363 -
One judge asked him, “I see here that aside from
all your sins, you have constantly denied God and Divine justice whenever you
were asked. Did you not know that such a denial is even worse than the other
sins you committed? What do you have to say for yourself?” Trembling from head
to foot, body and soul, the man gathered his courage and spoke, “In truth I
have in my heart always believed that God exists and that His justice is
perfect. But even knowing that, I preferred to do every sin that I could to
satisfy my pleasure. Therefore I decided when still a young man to say when
asked that I don’t believe in God or in any true justice, so as not to dirty
the name of God with my sins”.
364 -
At that moment a great thunderous voice made the
Higher Tribunal shudder with fear and then the voice of the Supreme Judge, the
Holy One Blessed is He, was heard: ‘As you have taken heed to cover up My name
so as not to taint it with your sins, so do I cover up your name from any
unworthiness and I forgive you all your sins. And as for those whom you have
damaged, I give you permission to help them from your place so that you might
master your own correction’. - This is not a parabola to compare Jesus as such,
even though when speaking about the dark side of that ‘sin’ committed, he did
in fact ‘steal’ the Signs from the School and he did break two holy oaths one
in leaving the School and one in using the ‘secret’ in public in his own name,
and he did ‘lie’ in not revealing from whom he had received his power thus
‘seducing’ many people through healing and miraculous signs.
365 -
This parabola comes to illustrate that even the
dark and otherwise unworthy acts done by Yeshua in order to do what he was sure
he had to do, were forgiven him by his Father in Heaven. Notwithstanding all
that had happened and all that derived therefrom historically, Jesus was loved
by his Father in Heaven. This was because the main intention of that mission
was to defend the name of God from the thick dirt, the insincerity and the
arrogance with which the leaders of the Jewish people at that time had infested
it. The messianic Star of Christ that guided Yeshua in his mission could not
get out of that unfortunate but necessary purpose.
366 -
Once Yeshua had made his decision, no one could
have held him back from the purpose that he set out to fulfil. Jesus well knew
of the curse of premature death attached to the breaking of the oath and using
the kabbalah ma’asit in public. It is possible to assimilate his most probable
rationale: he knew that the mission he was about to undertake could possibly
end in a death-sacrifice; he reckoned that by going above the fear of death in
order to comply to his mission he was rendering himself ‘above death’ for the
sake of his mission. Nor can Yeshua’s readiness to die for that mission be
denied by anyone. He knew the evils of his time and he knew that once he began
to speak he would speak in the truth of the spirit that was upon him.
367 -
No one can doubt the total seriousness and
sincerity of Jesus. The Initial Sign of the Resurrection which was realised in
him is proof that his messianic sacrifice was accepted before God Almighty. All
the Gospels agree that Jesus was prophetically aware of his immanent death and
of the resurrection that would follow. The tragic death of the young Yeshua was
an atonement for what he had committed to accomplish what he did but it was
accepted as a sacrifice of humility and love to God in the zeal to accomplish
His will. It was a sacrifice of the victory of God’s will in history. Jesus was
the sacrificed messianic lamb killed for having spoken the truth.
368 -
How did Yeshua know that he was in the Sign of the
Resurrection? This was because at the Essenian School of Esther,
the Sign of the ‘resurrection’ of the Teacher of Justice had already been
received. The tremendous faith of the pious talmidim of the School, a faith
which has put to test the scholars of the Qumran documents for half a century
now, derived from the faith of the Sign of the Resurrection of the Teacher of
Justice. We search out this Sign in the light of the Completed Sign of the
Resurrection of the Tzadik Haim. When we
say that the Sign of the Resurrection begins with Jesus in the manifest signs
of that resurrection as known from New Testament sources, this refers to the
manifest sign of the resurrection as it became revealed through the messianic
Star of Christ.
369 -
Previously the Sign of the Resurrection was part
of the extremely hidden Signs of the Kingdom of Heaven
guarded with enormous jealousy inside the School of Esther.
Also the Teacher of Justice suffered greatly from the persecutions of the
Priests of the Temple, as known from the documents of Qumran. There is a strong opinion amongst the scholars that in the end, the
Teacher of Justice was killed at their hands. In any case for us it is clear
that the death of the Teacher of Justice opened the Sign of the Resurrection
within the precinct of the School itself and that just that Sign was the ‘Pillar
of Faith’ which held the School in its sanctified structure all the years.
370 -
we will come to some clearer understanding of the very sanctified
messianic and redemptional structure of that pre-structure of the Hidden kingdom of Heaven
as it was in the School. There we may delve into the dark side of the
separation in comparing the Signs in their sanctified form and the Signs as
they became revealed in the New Testament tradition. It is sufficient here to
be astounded by the fact that notwithstanding the great gap between them,
nevertheless, the Sign of the Resurrection was verified. This is, of course,
due to the fact that the entire mission of Yeshua and, in the end, his tragic
sacrifice were accepted before God and that historical phase of the
‘messianism’ which had to come out in the world was ‘sanctioned’ from above
that it proceed.
371 -
What astounds most of all is just that, that they
were ‘sanctioned’ from above. How could the Initial Signs, profaned as they
would eventually become through the Christian Mission, be ‘accepted’ at all?
Being taken out of the School already intimated their being separated from
their true sanctity and of their having entered into the ‘idolatrous other
side’ of the Signs. The answer is that the Messianic Signs of Yosef had to come
out for the nations of Esau, nations that were far, far removed from the ‘other
side’ of the Signs, nations for whom the ‘other side’ of those ‘messianic
Signs’ represented an enormous elevation compared to the pagan idolatry
extended throughout the world.
Gnomen 372
The answer is that God is merciful. Had He not
‘descended’ into the Babylonian exile so as to redeem them from there after 70
years? And would He not descend into the long exile of 2000 years of the Jewish
people among the nations to preserve them throughout? So too did He descend
among the nations of Esau whose roots are separated from the sanctification of
Jacob for manifold purposes of preparation towards the final redemption, to
save the lost roots of the house of Judah, to save the lost sheep of the house
of Israel and to be a salvation unto the good of the nations. All the errors of
interpretation could be corrected in the end and those who merited would be
able to re-enter into the true tradition of the faith by way of the Completed
Signs of the Final Redemption.
373 -
The great difficulty has been that the true
Initial Signs went over to the ‘other side’ of the Esau world, ever inciting
the conflict of the two brothers Esau and Jacob. This is why, as explained
throughout Sefer Mishnat Haim, the 6 points over the word VA-YISHAKEIHU (and he
kissed him) alludes to the 6 Great Completed Signs of the Redemption. The Signs
enter the world for the sake of the Reunification of the Jewish tradition and
the tradition of the universal messianic Signs that had gone out for the
nations of Esau. The 6 points become 6 common denominators which bind the two
traditions to their unification in the House of Prayer of the Final Redemption.
374 -
In essence, then, the conflict between Jacob and
Esau came for the sake of the final pacification between the two, a
pacification on the basis of true Signs from the Torah. The Almighty in His
infinite wisdom saw that such a conflict was necessary to complete Jacob and to
save the head of Esau in the end. Also Esau is a son to Isaac and a grandson of
Abraham. The ‘other side’ of the Signs taken on by Esau was, nevertheless, ‘in
the family’. The ‘kiss and embrace’ was between Esau and Jacob, not between Buddha
and Jacob or between Confucius and Jacob. Many or most of the Esau nations may
derive from Japhet but Esau himself has a root in Sem by way of Isaac, son of
375 -
Those religions belonging for the most part to
Hham are comparatively as separated from Christianity as they are from
Judaism. The difference lies in the
acceptance of the Bible and the acceptance of the Divine History of Israel.
Jews and Christians read the same ‘Old Testament’ and they believe in the same
Prophets; they believe in God’s choice of the 3 Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob and they believe in Israel’s
miraculous redemption from Egypt
at the hands of Moses and in the revelation of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. And in essence both
Jews and Christians believe in the same Messianic and Redemptional Signs and
both have been equally confused by them for the past 20 centuries. Thank God
for the Great New Beginning that has arrived for mankind.
376 -
For 2000 years, Jews and Christians have been
reading the ‘Old Testament’ with two sets of eyes, each justifying his religion
accordingly. One is reading it in the true Signs and one is reading it in the
‘other side’ of the true Signs. The Jews read in the true tradition which
contains the true Signs but they do not know the Signs. Christians misinterpret
the true tradition, reading it in the keys of the ‘other side’ of the Initial
Messianic Signs. Each side proclaims to be the true Israel,
the true heir to the blessing of Isaac, our father, the guardian of the truth.
Christianity, however, when it interprets those prophecies that speak about
Israel’s sins and its promised chastisements, acknowledges that it refers to
Jews and when the prophecies speak about the marvellous promises to that same
people, it interprets Israel to mean Christians.
377 -
Jews await the promises to the chosen people but
they recognise that all the sins mentioned in the Torah and Prophets and
Post-Prophet times belong to them. Jews do not give their sins away gratis;
they have worked hard for them. Christians, on the other hand, sell their sins
for a plate of lentils and don’t want to hear about them anymore. The ‘essence’
of practised Christianity has been to ‘use’ Christ for this purpose of taking
away the sins that they do but do not want to keep! For the good fortune of the
world Jesus was Jewish and he knew where to go in order to get hold of an
enormous supply of sins. Hee-haw.
378 -
That is why the poor Jewish messianic lamb had to
fall into the trap of the Signs of the Star of Christ as they manifested
themselves in an unauthorised and non-sanctified manner readable only from the
‘other side’ of the true Initial Signs. He too had to fall onto the other side
and to follow Yohanan’s rebellion. The eventual salvation of the masses of the
children of Esau and the return of the lost sheep of the house of Israel could
not have been accomplished through that first historical messianic mission if
it had not crossed the line onto the ‘other side’ of the true Initial Signs.
Had the revelation of that time remained in the true sanctity of the Torah, it
most probably would not have been able to satisfy those needs, if at all it
would have been revealed for Israel
outside of the School.
379 -
The fact that the people of Israel did not receive
those Initial Signs, not in their guarded state of sanctity as they were in the
School of the Essenes and certainly not in the ‘corrupted version’ of the
Initial Signs as they became manifest through Yeshua’s mission, detracts in no
way from the promises made by the Lord to the descendants of Jacob, and to
Moses and to the Prophets. Nothing was taken away from all the redemptional and
messianic promises to the Jewish people. But when ‘and when thou (Esau) shalt
rule by force (‘tarid’) thou shalt break off his yoke from your neck’. In
essence through Christianity the nations broke off the yoke of the Law of the
Torah that would have been upon them had the Initial Signs not passed over to
the ‘other side’ with Yeshua’s mission.
380 -
For the most part, we will leave the teachings of
Jesus for the New Testament Corrected while the discrepancies between the ideas
of Jesus’ later development just before leaving the School and those of the
Teacher of Justice is relative to another text. Let it suffice here to note
that Yeshua came to believe that he had been chosen to reveal a New Messianic
Teaching which completed the Torah of Moses and the Prophets. He indeed
believed that he had entered into the mystery of the elevation of the First
Tablets of the Law in the higher faith of the First Commandment, the heredity
of Moses. In fact we find virtually nothing in his statements to reassert the
constant danger of idolatry as proclaimed in the Second Commandment. A
combination of elements made Yeshua believe that just he had been given the
privilege to ‘recede’ to the first Tablets and to ‘bring them back’ to
381 -
Jesus believed that his was the ‘Mission of the
Resurrection’ which represented the ‘highest universal mission’ to be held, the
purpose of which was to bring the world to regain the perfect faith, as it
should have been after Israel’s receiving the Ten Commandments directly from
God, before the terrible corruption of the Golden Calf. This is what lies
behind Jesus’ oft spoken admonishing expression ‘o men of small faith’ etc. The
‘large faith’ is that of the First Commandment of the First Tablets of the Law.
The ‘small faith’ is that of the Second Commandment of the Second Tablets of
the Law. In Yeshua’s intention the new messianic doctrine of the faith was not
properly a ‘new faith’ but a return to the higher faith in the Living Father
and the Living Redeemer who would not refuse anything to anyone who ‘knocked on
the door’ and wished to cling to God with a full heart.
382 -
Yeshua believed that he had received the New
Messianic Priesthood, a ‘new cosmic vestiture’ of the ‘Eternal-Messianic-Malchitzedek’
who brought a ‘new spiritual sanctification’ of the wine and a ‘new spiritual
blessing’ on the bread. His belief was a gleaning of ‘aspects’ from the titles
and functions of the messianic structure of the School, including some titles
and functions that belonged to the Teacher of Justice himself. It is easier to
generalise in this matter rather than discuss the details because that
messianic structure in the School was complicated, having a Messiah of the
Davidic line, a Messiah of the Priestly order from the line of Tzadok and a
Messiah Instructor deemed the closest to the Teacher of Justice. Those messianic
positions were completely sub-ordinate to the teachings, writings and messages
of the Teacher of Justice.
383 -
There was little space for speculative
individualism in that ‘Palace’ of the Kingdom of Heaven
on earth. Even those who held the highest positions in the School did not
consider themselves more than faithful servants of God and of the Torah and
faithful talmidim of the Moreh Tzedek. There is a gap from the heaven to earth
between considering oneself a nominated-messianic-functionary and between
considering oneself the ‘Illumined Messiah’ of all times. In one the terms are
as borrowed garments while, in the other, the same terms have become, as it
were, ‘incarnate’ in the person. The ‘Word’ has become flesh in him and in this
too lay the trap of the Star of Christ upon the individual who assumes that
messianic role.
384 -
We can say it loud and clear with 12 years of
Messianic-Sign-Titles behind us and the Completed Signs proclaim it loud and
clear with 2000 years of the Christian error behind it: Not because you have
received a sign of the spirit of the great legislator have you become Moses;
not because you have received a sign from the Prophet Elijah are you Elijah;
not because you have received a sign of
the New-Redemptional-Priesthood of Malchitzedek are you the Messianic-Malchitzedek
of all times; not because you have received an illumination from the Star of
Christ does that make you the Illuminated-Christ of all history. But we are as
wise as is high an ant on the elephant’s back, for who might have saved himself
from the trap of the Star of Christ if it was his destiny to be born under it!
385 -
Herein lies the gap and the trap of the title that
fools its owner and makes itself the final purpose instead of the external
means for arriving at a higher redemptional purpose. Then the Christ in the
Sign of the Star of Christ becomes the personalised Christ whose purpose it is
to fulfil the Christ so that the purpose of all be fulfilled in the Christ. The
assumption of that position involves a trinatary and idolatrous knot a priori.
In order not to fall into the trap you must substitute the Donkey with that
Christhood and bray loudly as you waggle your Tail. Only the heavy skin of the
Donkey brings Christ back down to earth before returning to his Stable in the Kingdom of Heaven.
386 -
Two thousand years ago the Star of Christ came in
the Sign of Wrath but the Second coming of the Star of Christ comes in the Sign
of the Correction. In the School of the Essenes, however, the teachers and
those who held messianic positions were as Hidden Donkeys in that Hidden Palace
of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. They carried their Signs with great fear of
God, without changing their attitudes about themselves or attempting to elevate
themselves to importance in the eyes of the world. They were, however, ready to
do whatever messianic or priestly mission they might be called upon to do, as
long as the authority of the teachers of the School established such a mission
or function or responsibility. They carried the titles and did not let the
titles carry them.
Gnomen 387
Yeshua had to fall because his Father in Heaven
judged that his true intentions were to help save the people of Israel
from its terrible fall. That is why his fall, even unto the depths of the
‘other side’, and the failure of that mission in general, and the tragic
sacrifice of his young life, were accepted before God as merits. For in the
messianic Sign-structure to which he was bound, the quality of Israel’s
substance was missing and thus the representative ‘messianic mission’ could not
produce a fruit based on any true substance. Therefore his calling could not
but be nourished by the ‘other side’ and the religion that derived from his
mission could not but be missing in the substance of true religion. That is why
Jesus, before turning over his soul, cried out ‘My God, my God, why hast Thou
abandoned me?’ For he was messianically taken with the fall of Israel,
abandoned to its prophesied destiny among the nations.
Gnomen 388 -
It must be understood that after ASHER becomes
ROSH and goes to the Head, even for as long as the long exile itself, it must
then be reproportioned to become again ASHER. For in that entire period, before
the revelation of the second EHEYE, it is possible to read ‘I-SHALL-BE the
HEAD’ (especially since the reading ‘I-SHALL-BE THAT-WHICH’ has no conclusive
sense). When, however, the second EHEYE is revealed, one again reads clearly
‘I-SHALL-BE THAT-WHICH I-SHALL-BE’ where the relative function of ASHER is to
bind the first redemption to the final redemption. So too Christianity, after
having considered itself the head of humanity, becomes in the end
reproportioned and corrected so as to function as a blessed and coherent factor
in binding the truth of the First Redemption to the great universal salvation
of the Final Redemption.
Gnomen 389 -
This alludes to the principle global error of
Jesus and consequently to all Christianity. In accordance with the generalities
already given, it will be understood that Yeshua, in order to fulfil his
mission, had to believe himself something that he was not. And on another level
he believed himself something which in truth doesn’t exist. He believed himself
Gnomen 390 -
In some sense, he believed himself as Moses, and
not as Yehoshua Bin Nun; in another sense he believed himself the Goel or the
Goel and the Messiah together; in another sense he believed himself the Messiah
and not the Donkey of the Messianic Mission.
But ASHER is not ROSH and Yehoshua Bin Nun was not on the level of Moses. The
Messiah is not on the level of the Goel, as Malchitzedek was not on the level
of Abraham. And even the Donkey is not on the level of the Completed Signs
which he carries nor is Peretz, Man of the Signs on the level of the Signs
which he explains. The Donkey drank some hidden water from the Star of Esther
on Mount Carmel concerning Jerusalem and Bethlehem and Shechem and Yotvata. If he’s a good Donkey, he’ll let us on to it
somewhere along his mission.
Gnomen 391 -
The true fear of God (Jerusalem) and the true
Bread of his House (Bethlehem) and the true upholding Shoulder (Shechem) cannot
be acquired by man except by way of a teacher who instructs his pupils how to
find the good streams of water (Yotvata was a place of nahhalei maim). Those
are the good streams of water that flow continually always reminding the
thought to go deeper into that true fear and to taste more of that good and
true bread and to know the true Shoulder, the Law of God, upon which one can
always rely for every need.
Gnomen 392 -
Now, asked the Star of Esther, why does Jerusalem
despise Bethlehem and Shechem and why does Bethlehem hate Jerusalem and Shechem
and why does Shechem reject Jerusalem and Bethlehem, thus impeding the flowing
streams of Yotvata in any of them? Might
the true fear of God despise the bread of His house and the upholding shoulder
of true tradition? Or might the true bread deny the true fear of God or reject
the Shoulder of true council and true wisdom? Or is it possible that the true
tradition reject the true fear of God and the true bread of His house and that
no one wants the blessed streams of Yotvata?
Gnomen 393 -
That is why I was exiled from Judah and hid myself
deep in the heart of Susa in the midst of the Persian
Empire. Orphaned and hidden, I was nourished on
the holy milk of Mordechai, my uncle. More precisely I drank of the pure wisdom
of the Star of Mordechai which for my sake, to give me suck, drank abundantly
of the great myriad of Milky Way stars. For my father Jerusalem has rejected me in his
death and my mother Bethlehem has left me an orphan and I had no shoulder on which to lean, nor had
I a guide to show me the good flowing streams of Yotvata.
Gnomen 394 -
I am the thirteened petaled rose of Jacob, hidden
in exile; who will protect my delicate petals from the thorns and from the
beasts of the field? Only the Tzadik Mordechai could save me and only he could
give me what I truly needed, for I am hidden now in exile all alone among the
nations. And the Lord answers the pleading of my heart and I am taken by
Mordechai and protected until he might await the proper moment and send me to
the Royal Palace to fulfil my purpose. I am the Star of Queen Esther and I need my
Gnomen 395 -
The story of my course is hidden in my Scroll of
Esther, but my hidden history was revealed in the secret Essene School
of Esther about five centuries later. If the Star of the Universal Malchitzedek
is brilliant in its illumination, yet I am the beautiful queen of the inner
Palace. I let not my beauty be beholden or admired by others for I am reserved
to the King. I am the inner fear of Israel
for I am afraid of not feeling His closeness.
Gnomen 396 -
My love is of a higher need and my heart cannot be
satisfied without the signs of His love upon me. My soul needs the true fear of
God and the true bread of his house and the upholding shoulder of Mordechai.
The night covers me from the eyes of humanity and I recede to my inner chamber
to meditate the true values cherished by my soul. Come again valley to your
perfect balance for I am hidden in the Palace from whence the scale of the
grains of sand is enlarged upon the waves of the sea. Between the justice of my
King and the humble modesty of my fathers, I am the queen all covered and
veiled before my Lord. Thou art the Rock of my salvation.
Gnomen 397 -
Do not come close to me, do not stare at the
beauty of my garments. For my inner loveliness is bathed in the pains of my
Teacher’s suffering. And my jewelled and perfumed body has battled with the
solar-eclipse in its season. I have served my husband supper and kissed his
hand before he lay down to sleep and now I call out unto the Lord, my God. to
lift my soul into the hidden Palace of Esther.
Gnomen 398 -
I saw the teacher Esther, a lovely woman very
neatly dressed of over 50 years old, in front of a class-room, waiting for the
other pupils to arrive. I wanted to walk over to her to speak together, but she
indicated with her hands that I be seated in my place. Then she said to me with
intelligent embarrassment, “You must not show yourself privileged before the
other pupils. It is also a question of modesty”. I sat down quietly while
admiring the elevation that she maintained in her naturally beautiful character;
then I woke up and corrected some of the previous Gnomen. -
Gnomen 399 -
But the Mission
of Peretz Breaks down the Barriers and afterwards Repairs the Fences in their
proper measure. And where the Barriers must come down modesty is sure to be missing
in some measure. And the First Donkey stripped many times to wash the feet of
the new pupils and what does a Donkey know of modesty? But the Second Donkey
enters the School of Esther to hide in sanctified brays. But the Ram-Lamb-Peretz-Donkey of the Initial
Signs was not left time to repair the fences and instead of entering the School of Esther,
he had just come out of it.
Gnomen 400 -
The Second Donkey enters the School of Esther
because we are also the continuation of the School of the Essenes where the
Initial Signs were held in secret and there this Book of Esther begins. Some
weeks ago (June, 1991) Deborah received in a dream nothing less than the Final
Sign of the Pact between the Parts of Abraham for the New Pact of the Final
Redemption. In her dream she saw that for a sacrifice were brought a bull, a
calf, a lion and two pigeons. Peretz and Paolo had to divide the bull, calf and
lion in half but the two doves were for holocaust.