The Just man serves God alone
The Just man trembles when he
pronounces the name of God
TABLET 7 - The Just man who
lives in his faith does not STEAL a minute of time from his neighbor
Step 1 - And yet Christianity as an
institution will crumble and fall while Judaism and Islam remain. Islam
contains the true monotheistic faith but in a separated context, the Koran and
Islam (but Shiite Islam will fall and be destroyed). We have taken Yeshua out
of all traditional Christianity. Jesus is no longer where he was with them
before. For if he had to take on John’s Baptism in order to proceed to his
mission, so has he himself been reborn with the coming of the Final Goel, Haim,
in the Completed Signs of the Final Redemption.
Step 2 – DIARY: As a Sign of the new times
come, we saw a film about Jesus 2 weeks ago (end of April 2003 - Bersheva), an
Italian film quite separated from any film hitherto made in that it
demonstrated Jesus’ connection to the Essene Community, as well as that of
Yohhanan ha-Matbil. The film does not, of course, relate the matter as we
explain it in SMH on the authority of the Goel Haim, but this film represents a
great jump foreword compared to the past. Not only was this film avantegarde concerning the relationship
of Yeshua to the Essenes but it related the events of Jesus without the Spirit
of the Logos, without any Christ-deification. The many books written in the
last ten years especially on the Qumran society and the enormous quantity of
speculation about the relationship of the School of the Essenes to initial
Christianity, have created a new ground work for thought for millions of
Step 3 - Many have come a step further in
the quest for the truth that eventually they or at least their children will
find in the Completed Signs of the Final Redemption. The walls of traditional Christianity
will eventually come tumbling down and the ex-Christians will become part of
the Final New Pact on the Altar of Malchitzedek. And many of the lost sheep of
the house of Israel whose souls were sanctified at Sinai, as the rest of Israel, will come back within the confines of Judaism by way
of the Altar of Ephraim.
Step 4 - For Christ has come back home and
millions are those who will follow him into the Great New House of Prayer of
the FR. Here no false theologies will ever enter again. Here all the measures
have been corrected. Here Yeshua is the second man of the redemption between
Moses, our teacher and the Tzadik Haim. Here then can the virtues of the heart
of the Middle Pillar truly descend and reside in the hearts of mankind. And the
hardness of heart will turn into a force of love. The Third Pillar of the Final
Redemption reveals the Middle Pillar that was blocked up for all these past
centuries and Jesus himself knew that he had not come to bring peace but war.
And he also knew that the true and lasting redemption of peace for Israel and for the whole world would come in a future period
with the revelation of the Chosen Son of Man.
Step 5 – DIARY: Yom Aztmaut, Day of
Indipenedence of the State of Israel - year 55. (May 6, 2003) There is a good atmosphere. Yesterday, in the
speeches given for the Commemoration of the soldiers killed in military action,
I felt new things, something as a new ‘spiritual’ language which binds faith to
Israelis who are less than close to Jewish halacha. The redemptional words of
the Prophets were ushered in with a different force, something quite alive and
present. If the same words were cited by hhredim the effect would have been not
much more than a reading of the past. I particularly felt this new language
idea when I awoke this morning; and this evening, Moshe Bardi was here and of a
longer dream, this morning, he remembers only that it was said to him ‘datiut
ve-hhiloniut tzrichim le-heyot be-yahhad le-davar ehhad’ - religiosity and (the
ways of) the non-religious must be bound together as one. - -
Step 6 – This is a further proof that this
period corresponds to the time of the new historical phase that enters with the
Pesah of the 21st year of the CS. There is a rebirth among the younger
generation to find oneself, to love justice, to search for the truth, to give
meaning to their life.
Back to the Tablets: The main theme in these
Tablets of Big Fish has been to explain the chief aspects of the RESH of the
name ASHER. And since the messianic mission of Jesus derived from this RESH, a
great part of our understanding comes through the meditation on the meanings of
that mission.
Step 7 - Without the mission of Yeshua, we
would know nothing of the Six Initial Signs of the Redemption even though it is
only now with the knowledge of the 6 Great Signs of the FR that we come to know
of this fact, namely of the existence of the Six Initial Signs. With the
knowledge of the Six Initial Signs, 1) the Star of Christ 2) Sign of the
Kingdom of Heaven 3) Sign of the New Message, New Light and New Spirit 4) Sign
of the Messianic Mission of Jesus 5) Sign of the Fourth Generation (of that
historic period) 6) Sign of Jesus’ Resurrection - finalized by the Six Great
Signs of the FR in merit of the chosen Goel Haim, we come to understand more of
the substance of the RESH in which these Signs were contained. For it is by way
of the Six Signs that the Redemption of Israel becomes a Universal Redemption. The Six Signs
themselves are the Means of that incredible extension.
Step 8 - If Israel had merited, those Six
Signs of the RESH would have, so to speak, come together with the Internal
Light of the Temple at Jerusalem, and from there it would have become a Great
Light unto the nations. There could well have been a ‘messianic mission’
whether of one Messiah or more. In the School of the Essenes, for example,
there were three categories of the Messianic Missions, Messiah-Priest, Messiah
of War and Messiah-Head Teacher and Spiritual Guide. One must consider that had
Israel been worthy and had been in the true spirit of the Temple, the School of the Essenes would never have been
founded because it would have had no raison d’etre. Already at the time
of the Teacher of Justice, the spiritual leaders of Israel and the Priests of the Temple committed sins every day and were far from the true
light of the Temple. In his great and holy wisdom, the Teacher of Justice
saw that the direction was already unchangeable and that Israel would only go lower and lower. For this reason he saw
the absolute necessity of founding the School.
Step 9 - The founding of the School and community,
the secrecy and severity of the School, as well as the missions of Yohhanan and
Yeshua that derived from there, all came to exist because of the sins of
Israel, not because of its merits. Thus the RESH of the name ASHER which
represents the Light of the Temple was indeed ‘displaced’ from the Temple to the Hidden School of the Essenes.
A million veils of historic mystery fall away by this fact once one has
received the true teaching of the Tzadik Haim that Yohhanan ha-Matbil and
Yeshua were part of that School, Jesus for three full years. Had Israel merited and the RESH extended from the Temple, there would have been no confusion. Since the RESH
was displaced from the Temple, it was practically impossible that any mission from
the School of the Essenes to the Leaders and Priests be accepted. In fact,
neither Yohhanan nor Jesus mentioned the fact of their having been in the
Step 10 - And that fact, that it would not
be accepted, would necessarily create a separation from Israel and terrible historic confusion. The Messianic
Mission of the RESH is related directly to the Mission of the Prophet Elijah,
of blessed mentioning, reported at the end of the Prophet Malachi, the Mission
of the Reconciliation of the Hearts, as well as the Prophetic Mission of
announcing the great and terrible day of the Lord. Had Israel merited, the
Mission of the Prophet Elijah would have come by way of the Temple, most
probably not by the Prophet himself but by a messenger or messengers, in the
name of the Prophet Elijah; these would have been given the messianic mission
of salvation in extending the messages of reconciliation and of the prophetic
warnings even to the far corners of the earth.
Step 11 - Since Israel did not merit, the
Keys of Reconciliation of the RESH were placed by the Teacher of Justice, Head
of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim of his generation, in the School. Thus the Mission pertaining to the prophesied sending of the Prophet Elijah was bound
in secrecy in the School, under the severest of oaths. In this way the Signs of
the Redemption were kept in secret in the School and the severity of those
oaths represented a safeguard to their being revealed outside. One must
consider the fact that the beloved Hidden Tzadik and Teacher of Justice had had
no permission to reveal those secrets, especially of the marvelous Kingdom of Heaven
and the Signs of the Resurrection. His action came from his own accord in the
light of ‘It is a time to act for the Lord, they have violated Your Law’
Step 12 - This is significant because also
any messianic mission that might derive from the School would have to be
without permission, in a manner of putting one’s life in his hands, with the
same zealous motive of the Teacher of Justice, ‘It is a time to act on behalf
of God, for they have violated Your Torah’. A zealous act done for the sake of
God without permission is judged by God. Pinhhass’ act of killing Zimri and the
Moabite woman was done without permission. God intervened to claim Pinhhass’ judgment
positive and to Pinhhass was give the Pact of Peace. The two sons of Aaron,
Nadab and Avihu, in their imagined love for God’s sanctity upon them, burned
incense in the sanctuary without permission and fire descended and they were
burnt to ashes.
Step 13 - The action of the Teacher of
Justice, however, since he was a true Hidden Tzadik, created a new category, a
punishment of death for the action taken without permission which, however, is
accepted by God as a sacrifice in His name because of the just intentions of
that act. So was it in the case of the Teacher of Justice on a very hidden
level and so was it in the case of Yeshua in undertaking that messianic
position. As a Hidden Tzadik the act of revealing secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven
is severely prohibited and is punishable by death from Heaven. The Teacher of
Justice was the only true Hidden Tzadik in history who committed such an act.
He was killed by the orders of the High Priest, as intimated in the texts of Qumran.
We received in the Completed Signs, in a dream of Nodah, that ‘Notwithstanding
the fact that the Teacher of Justice was a true Hidden Tzadik he had to be
punished for reason of the secrets that he revealed without permission'.
Step 14 - That dreadful end, however, became
the sacrifice necessary to maintain the existence of the School and the
Community of the Essenes. The Teacher of Justice became, in fact, the ‘living’
spiritual force of the School on one level and of the Community on another
level. For sure those of the School believed in the sacrifice and the spiritual
resurrection of the Teacher of Justice. That ‘resurrection’, in the context of
the Signs known in the School, was an integral part of their belief. The
Teacher of Justice was alive for them. The third category of messianism, the Messiah-Teacher
and Spiritual Guide received that position, being considered the person most
close to the Teacher of Justice and most able to receive messages from him.
Faith in the exalted position of the Teacher of Justice was the ‘great secret’
of the School of the Essenes.
Step 15 - In essence, that sacrifice became
the hidden beginning of the New
Kingdom of Heaven. The
Teacher of Justice was in a ‘new’, hidden and exalted position, after his death
and ‘resurrection’. This represented a totally new kind of close-contact
between the other world and this world. This was not simply the love and
respect for a great teacher of the Torah who was no longer in the world. Also
the Sages, of blessed mentioning, affirmed that the Tzadikim were even greater in
their death than in their lifetime. The Tzadik Haim explained to me that the
true Tzadikim in the other world, after their death, are able to do even more
for the sake of the world than when they were in the world.
Step 16 - That fact, however, is not part of
the ‘secret’ of the ‘revelation’ of the Kingdom of Heaven.
This Hidden Kingdom above and the long historical periods that go into
its ‘revelation’ for the world is, indeed, the Great Secret of the Redemption.
We speak of the name ASHER as the Hidden Name between the three names EHEYE
ASHER EHEYE. And we speak of Purim, from the SHIN of the name ASHER, as the
Hidden Redemption of God Almighty. The Root of the Revelation of the existence
of the Kingdom of Heaven lay in the faith of the ALIF of the name ASHER, the
Tradition of the Prophet Elijah, of blessed mentioning, in which resides the
faith of the Prophet’s Ascent into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Step 17 - The term Kingdom of Heaven
(malchut ha-shammaim) is not mentioned but the fact speaks for itself. The only
person not to die and to ascend above is the Prophet Elijah. And he is the only
Prophet to be sent by God (well after his ascent) to announce the Final Redemption
and to give over the prophetic warnings of the Fourth Generation. So too is it
known in Tradition that the Prophet Elijah descends often into the world, for
example, to answer “Amen” to the blessing of the newly circumcised Jew. In no
other person, therefore, is the relationship between the other world and this
world so bound up together as in the Prophet Elijah, of blessed mentioning.
Step 18 - So have we explained that the RESH
of the name ASHER had the purpose of revealing a new light and a new message to
the world, to make Israel a Beacon of Light unto the nations and that the
Universal Light contained the Keys of the New Kingdom of Heaven and the New
Sign of the Resurrection, those two hidden Signs deriving from the ALIF and
from the SHIN of the name ASHER. Thus, in terms of God’s historic Design of the
Redemption, the name ASHER hides in it the Revelation of the Kingdom of Heaven.
The messianic mission given by the RESH had the purpose of extending the new
knowledge of the Kingdom of Heaven
to a multitude of peoples. Had Israel merited, that light would have been bound to the Holy Temple at Jerusalem.
Step 19 - As explained, the Hidden Signs of
the Redemption held in the School, being bound not only to Israel but to the
salvation that must be extended to the world, would necessarily come to
encounter the contradiction that it represented. As Jesus would later declare
as the first purpose of his mission “The lamp is not for holding under the
table but to lift it up so that all might see and have advantage of its light”.
This statement was a double-barreled rifle, one for the Jews whose Temple Light
was as hidden away under the table so that no one could betake of its benefits
and one in allusion to the reason for which he had left the School of the Essenes
to undertake the mission of diffusing that light to the Jews of the land.
Step 20 - It happened all that happened but
in one way or another the Signs of the Kingdom of Heaven and of the
Resurrection went out, at first to a small part of Israel and afterwards to a
multitude of nations. If not for the extension of those two great Signs among a
multitude of nations, there would be no world to receive the Completed Signs of
the Kingdom of Heaven
and of the final Sign of the Resurrection of the Tzadik Haim. But what is the
relationship between the Kingdom of Heaven
that must be revealed from the name ASHER and between the Virtues of the Heart?
This is because the virtues of the good and just heart loved by God are the
only true recipients of the revelation of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Step 21 - Jesus came to explain Israel’s thousand year error of bringing its sacrifice
without the true heart of humility, contriteness and good will which
represented the true purpose of the sacrifice itself. In truth the Prophets of Israel had explained it fully and in truth, unfortunately,
but Israel had never listened to the Prophets. At first placate
your brother whom you have offended and then bring your sacrifice to the Temple to offer it before God, explained Jesus, as he himself
had received this teaching in the School of the Essenes. The Prophets of Israel, however, were not teaching the Kingdom of Heaven.
They were teaching honesty, sincerity and good will before people and before
God And since the forces of idolatry were so potent in their times they had to
warn against the enflaming hypocrisy of bringing sacrifices to the God of
Israel in the Temple and sacrifices to other gods outside the Temple.
Step 22 - Also the Prophets of Israel had to reduce the commandments into their essentials.
With so many details concerning the many laws of the Torah and of the Oral
Tradition of the Sages, of blessed memory, the multitude of uneducated Jews
became so confused that they no longer understood and they sought to know what
it was that God wanted from them. The Prophets informed them that God searched
for a good and charitable heart, to deal out justice with equanimity and to
walk modestly before God, to care for orphans, for widows, for the elderly, for
the sick and for the poor. And the Prophet Habakkuk established all the
commandments on one ‘And the just man lives in his faith’ as it states ‘I am
the Lord, Your God, who has taken you out of the land of Egypt, out of the
house of slavery’. One who has the true faith in this first commandment will be
a just person who lives in his faith and by this he or she will come to
accomplish all the commandments.
Step 23 - In Jesus’ time, the corruption,
the false heart, the insincerity and the hatred one to another and one group to
another, were so extensive that it was quite impossible to speak to any Jew who
claimed to know Torah. They were all in a terrible state of hypocrisy and they
used their knowledge of the Torah to cover over their sins. At a certain point,
Yohhanan stormed out of School to preach in the desert and to immerge the
penitent and to remind the Jewish people that you can’t fool God. He also
opened the Sign of the Kingdom of Heaven publicly, an act that was strictly prohibited. In any
case, he did it. He messed up all future history but he did it. He belched out
an idolatrous foundation of purified god-children born from the rocks, but he
got away with it and all clapped their hands and said ‘Oh, what a profound
Step 24 - It is not easy to love Yohhanan
ha-Matbil whether for his character or for his words but it is impossible not
to admit that he did what none did before him and that no one would have to do
after him. In truth it was Yohhanan who opened the Sign of the Kingdom of Heaven,
not Jesus. Yeshua followed the Sign that Yohhanan had already opened in public.
Many times the Tzadik Haim taught me that Jesus would not have had the force to
leave the School and to do his mission had Yohhanan ha-Matbil not left the
School before him to open his mission of penitence and to announce the Kingdom of Heaven.
Also for Yeshua, in any case, it was prohibited to leave the School, to
announce the Kingdom of Heaven outside and, more severe than all, to use the
Kabbalah Maasit received in secret at the School to perform miracles in public.
Step 25 - In any case, Nodah forgives
Yohhanan Ha-Matbil. I asked her (it’s May 9, 2003) what she thought of the first sentence of Step 24 and she told me that she liked Yohhanan
ha-Matbil very much. I didn’t know this fact. I said to her, “This is new to me
but don’t you remember, about thirteen years ago, at that rivulet on Monte
Mortarone, when John the Baptists came into you. You became tremendously
changed and called out terrible prophecies and you wanted to stay there and not
return with us any more?” “Yes” answered the Tail and the Mane, “I remember it
perfectly but I liked it. I have a feeling for Yohhanan ha-Matbil”. - - Clearly
Step 24 and 25 here represent the
Conclusion of the Correction of John the Baptists. For if Nodah Bi-Yehudah
forgives Yohhanan ha-Matbil, what might the Sages have to say, knowing that she
is rooted in the Neshamah of Miriam, the Prophetess, sister of Aaron and of
Step 26 - Happiness is the coming of the
Completed Signs of the History of the Final Redemption, in God’s love for the
extremely humble Tzadik Haim. All are clear, the words, terms and
explanations. When the basis of the
Final Revelation of the CS are known, even young children can understand, with
a teacher to guide them, even if somewhat superficially, the texts of SMH.
Profundity will then come with maturity and consistence, with repetition and
reflection. For the Completed Signs are deep, they are immense and they
‘resolve’ all preceding history in this Great Final Fourth Generation. The truth
of all past history is in them and the falsehoods of history are destroyed. One
must be extremely careful and respectful and modest with these Tablets of the
name ASHER because this name is a hidden name of God which binds the first
redemption to the final redemption.
Step 27 - The Lord, our God, Blessed is He,
so to speak, allowed the RESH of His holy name, ASHER, to become distorted and
even idolatrous in the hands of the nations, for the sake of His promises to
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and for His love to all His creations, to bring the
final redemption of mankind and the great generations of peace that are coming.
The time of the name ASHER covers the perhaps 250 years before the destruction
of the First Temple, 70 year exile in Babylonia, 500 years of the Second Temple
and it covers the long exile of 2000 years, the deepest ‘hester panim’ -
‘covering up of His face’ - when God Almighty hides His face, so to speak, and
does not show Himself openly. The Jews were without the Temple and without a homeland, dispersed among the nations
of the world. In western Christian countries especially, they were hated, ridiculed,
expelled from one country to another, equated with the devil, persecuted and
killed while crying out with anguish to its God “We have sinned, we have
committed iniquity, we have rebelled, we have spoken evil-tongue” etc.
Step 28 - And while hiding His face from the
Jewish people, as a whole, He allowed the extension of Christianity, even with
all its false theology, not being severe, so to speak, with the falsifications
formed around the RESH of the name ASHER. All was in 'hester panim', for Jews
and for Christians and for the whole world. And none, not the Prophets of
Israel or the Sages, of blessed mentioning, could have known that with the
coming of the Final Redemption, the first essential work to be done is the
Historical Correction of the RESH of the name ASHER of the full name EHEYE
ASHER EHEYE. Twenty years are given for the Correction of the RESH of the name
ASHER and the twenty-first year of the CS represents the true beginning of the
velocity of the Fourth Generation.
Step 29 - The time of the name ASHER has
been the Hidden Time of the 36 Hidden Suffering Tzadikim, from Mordechai
ha-Tzadik until the final Head of the 36 Hidden Suffering Tzadikim, Haim. The
Prophet Elijah has been the Head of them in every generation but he is not in
the counting and in every generation one of them is the Head of the other 35
Tzadikim Nistarim. Only to these Hidden Tzadikim in every generation, was there
no 'hester panim' and God did not hide His face from them. For they are in the
light of God’s Sanctity and they possess higher, general souls, neshamot, and
they have all suffered greatly with every sort of suffering, for the expiation
of the sins of mankind. Great is their secret and great is their power and
great is their suffering. The last and final sacrifice of the Tzadik Haim was
the Conclusion to the Suffering under the Signs of Isaac of the name ASHER.
Step 30 - Only when the angel of God stopped
Abraham’s hand from slaughtering Isaac, was it possible to take the ram whose
horns were entwined in the thicket and bring him to the altar instead of
Isaac. But what Isaac, our father, did
not suffer in that holy binding was given, as a great gift from God, to be
suffered by the Hidden Tzadikim of every generation. The sacrifice of the holy
and humble Tzadik Haim represented the Conclusion to that holy suffering which
derived from the Binding of Isaac. That was the Conclusion to the historical
Signs of the name ASHER and the entrance into history of the final name EHEYE
for the sake of the great universal final redemption of mankind.