The Just man serves God alone
The Just man trembles when he
pronounces the name of God
- The Just man who lives in
his faith does not steal a minute of time from his neighbor
Tablet 9 - The Just Man who lives in his faith does
not swear or take oaths but if he is forced to by the situation, his oath is
exclusively in the name of God.
Step 1 - When does the Megilat Esther become
a ‘Revelation of the Stars’? Answer: In the Final Redemption when the Final
Goel, Haim, reveals the Sign of the Stars and the Book of the Stars of Abraham,
our father. There are the New Constellations of (1) the Big Dipper or Great
Cart of the News of the FR, (2) the Tribunal of Mordechai, ha-Tzadik, (3)
Esther in the Kingdom of Ahhashverosh, (4) the Rose of Jacob. In the Three
Pillars of the SHIN of the name ASHER are alluded to: the Tribunal to the
right, Esther to the left and the Virtues of the Heart from the Rose of Jacob,
(5) the Mouth of Leviathan, (6) the 13 New Mazalot of Big Fish Leviathan.
Step 2 - The SHIN is exactly in the Middle
of the eleven letters of EHEYE ASHER EHEYE and it represents the New
Middle-Way of the FR, the Perfect Balance between the Revelation of the first
name EHEYE and the Revelation of the final name EHEYE. The Middle-Pillar of the
SHIN is also the New VAV of the New SHUSHAN of the FR. The New SHIN
binds the Triple Meditation of the full name from exactly the Middle position.
The VAV is the Pillar of the Virtues with its Head rooted in the Kingdom of
Heaven or in the White Marble Steps of the Palace of the Kingdom of Heaven. The
VAV is in the middle (the second letter of four) of the SHIN of SHUSHAN from
the SHIN of ASHER which is in the middle between the first EHEYE and the final
Step 3 - The VAV is 6, as the small gematria
of ASHER. The VAV may be written in 3 ways: VAV VAV = 12; VAV ALIF VAV = 13;
VAV YOD VAV = 22. (When it is 22, the New VAV brings the 22 letters of the
Hebrew alphabet to the Lucky Donkeys, hee-haw!) The ALIF of the Tradition of
the Prophet Elijah, of blessed mentioning, and the Tradition of Mordechai
ha-Tzadik, are together EISH (ALIF SHIN) - FIRE. One reason is that their
Tradition is from the truth of the Torah from Sinai and the Holy Torah is
called EISH DAT LAMO - a LAW of FIRE unto THEM. Their Tradition was of the FIRE
of Sinai but on hidden levels. In merit of the ALIF in the Tradition of the
Prophet Elijah and in merit of the SHIN in the Tradition of Mordechai
ha-Tzadik, the exiles were given permission to return to Jerusalem and to
reconstruct the Second Temple and to bring there Burnt-Offerings.
Step 4 - That was the beginning of the
historical RESH of the name ASHER. The RESH had to become a ROSH - Head.
Through the Light of the Temple
at Jerusalem, Israel had to become a Light unto the Nations. The RESH had to be the
forerunner to prepare the final redemption of the final EHEYE; and since the FR
is not only for the children of Israel but for the world, the RESH had to lift
up its Head with great light unto the nations and to elevate them in the faith
and to make known the works of God until the extremities of the earth.
Step 5 - The Light of the RESH, therefore,
was not the High Hidden Light of the ALIF of ASHER nor was it the Hidden Light
of the SHIN, the Light of God’s salvation hidden in the seemingly natural
events of the world; and with it the promise that God would not abandon the
children of Israel even in the midst of the thickest exile. The RESH had to be
a Light that could be seen, witnessed, felt and recognized by all those who
participated in the true faith in God and in His Temple. It is a Light that can be extended to a multitude of
nations for the benefit of all those who have merited enough to receive it.
Step 6 - Therefore the RESH had in it, so to
speak, all the letters that preceded it, from the ALIF of the first EHEYE to
the last letter of the name ASHER. It had to be so, otherwise the Light that
had to go out from the RESH would not have had the fullness and the truth of
the entire Tradition (as happened in Christianity with the RESH becoming
detached from the preceding letters, becoming a ROSH for itself etc.). The RESH
did not come to deny the Torah or Prophets or Tradition but to be in their
fulfillment, so that the Light of Israel be a source of salvation and redemption for the
world. Thus the prophetic Sign of God’s lifting a Miraculous-Banner unto the
Nations is for the sake of the fulfillment of the RESH.
Step 7 - The Light of the RESH had to be of
quite a different nature than that of the ALIF and the SHIN of the name ASHER
in their great hiddenness. For the Light that must be extended to the world at
large cannot require a severity or the precision of detailed commandments such
as given to Israel as the pride of its inheritance to the descendants of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and of the direct revelation at Sinai. That was the
Light of the Sanctity of the first name EHEYE and the sanctification of the
children of Israel was exclusive to those whose souls had been
sanctified at Sinai.
Step 8 - This fact must be understood well
because it is part of the Historical Paradox into which the RESH became caught:
the RESH had to become a Head, Head of
the Light of Israel unto the Nations; the RESH contained the entire Tradition
in itself; BUT, for the sake of the world, the RESH had to give over a Light
that did not contain the Severity of the Sanctity of Israel; thus the RESH, so
to speak, was caught in the Great Headache of History. This must be understood:
from the time of the construction of the Second Temple, the RESH of the name ASHER contained everything.
Step 9 -
Not only did it possess the entire Tradition of the past but it also
contained a New Light ‘prepared’ by God Almighty, within the framework of the
Torah and Prophets. We do not properly find Messianic Signs under the ALIF or
the SHIN but rather Redemptional Signs. It was from the RESH that the Signs of
a Messianic Mission for the world had to be extended. The Mission of the
RESH was itself an extremely Great, New and All-encompassing Mission containing
not only the Messianic-David Signs but also the Universal Messianic Signs of
Yosef, a great novelty that had not been revealed previously.
Step 10 - The RESH was therefore Complete
and it represented potentially the Great Completed Gate that opens the doors of
the FR of the final name. For it contained everything, Torah, Prophets,
Tradition and in it were resolved the prophecies of the New Pact, of the New Light and New Law for the nations, different and
much less severe in many ways than the commanded laws for Israel in the Torah.
There was as well a New Sanctification and even a New Priesthood bound to the
Messianic Missions given by the RESH. One must contemplate on these facts
because the same Great Completeness of the RESH will also explain why its
‘historical failure’ meant such a Great Incompleteness, such a long exile and
such hester panim for these past 2000 years of history.
Step 11 - Without understanding the
Completeness of the RESH, one cannot understand why the RESH could have
represented the full redemption becoming bound in its Completeness to the FR
itself. We must realize this when we speak of the general error on the part of
the Fathers of the Church in attempting to explain the Mission of Christ as if
the Signs of that Mission had been the Completed Signs of the FR instead of the
Initial Messianic and Redemptional Signs. The true, underlying reason is that
the RESH had in it the Completeness that we are explaining and if the Mission
of Israel to be a Light unto the nations had succeeded, the Initial Signs could
have brought to the Final Signs in a relatively short time.
Step 12 - One can now better understand why
the Illumination of the RESH of the name ASHER was so great and why the Mission
of Yeshua that derives from the RESH gave over such an incredible illumination
that it has kept Christianity going for 2000 years. Its roots in the RESH made
it become the Fulcrum-Point of History until the time of the FR. All is from
the Lord, our God. After we see all the hypothetical ifs ‘had Israel merited’, we find in the end that it had to go like
that for the sake of the fulfillment of the Divine Design in History. And where
would we be had Eve, our first mother, not eaten from that tasty fruit!
Step 13 - In any case, the Completeness of
the RESH was such that all the Redemptional Signs of History including the
Signs of the Torah, the Signs of the Prophets, the Signs of Purim, the Sign of
the Resurrection and the Sign of the Kingdom of Heaven all came together to
form a New Light and a New Spirit. Es komt demals arois Yeshua und er hut zei
alle gechapt fun der Shule di Essens und fundestvegen der Eibishter hat im
shtark lieb gehat und die geshichte fun der velt hat sich in ganzen furendert
gevoren. Dus is veile di zeichenen fun der RESH fun nomen ASHER zeinen di
zeichenen fun die riconziliazia di harzen zuvishen faters und sinnen, gebracht
fun Eliyahu ha-navi, azei vi es shteit ‘Ich shicke eich Eliahu ha-navi for dem
groisse und gefahlicher tog fun Got, er vet umkeren dem hartz fun faters zum
sinnen und dem hartz fun sinnen tzum fateren, tomir vel Ich kumen tzu klappen
dem erd mit hherem.
Step 14 - (please excuse my ungrammatical
Yiddish but I felt the need of a sound-change to continue) That most famous of
prophecies at the end of Malachi is in perfect correspondence to the RESH of
the name ASHER as we are explaining it. It was the last prophecy as the RESH is
the last letter of the name ASHER. As the RESH contained all that came before
it, so too does this prophecy and therefore it begins with ‘Remember Moses, My
servant’ etc. to include the entire Torah Tradition. As the RESH was the last
letter of ASHER meant to be the Binding Point between the first redemption and
the final redemption, so too this prophecy is the last prophecy which binds the
final redemption when it comes. This is because the announcement of the Prophet
of the Reconciliation, before the great and terrible day etc., MUST resolve itself
in the Final Redemption, otherwise it would remain an unfulfilled promise of
God which is impossible.
Step 15 - One asks how it is possible that
the RESH, a holy letter of God’s holy name, the name that contains the Divine
Design in history of the Redemption, could, so to speak, become falsified by
way of a false theology etc.? Even more poignant is the question: what is the
proof that the RESH after its having been misinterpreted for 2000 years comes
back for its correction, in a way that we might say ‘the second coming of the
RESH’. Yet it is the prophecy itself that gives place to a ‘failed mission’ and
Israel’s punishment for such. Since, however, the prophecy
itself represents God’s promise for a successful mission of the Prophet Elijah,
of blessed mentioning, it is clear prophetic logic that the failed mission
pertains to a previous historical phase which is afterwards resolved in a final
historical phase.
Step 16 - Otherwise all history, the entire
history of the redemption, would remain unresolved. That 2000 years stood
between the failed mission and the final successful mission could of course not
be determined from this prophecy or from any other prophecy, I believe. That
was a decree of God that He kept to Himself. No human could imagine that between
the RESH of ASHER and the ALIF of EHEYE, the RESH might be ‘blocked’ for 2000
years. It is the prophecy here that is truly incredible: God Himself sends the
Prophet Elijah to reconcile the hearts, in a mission that very well might fail!
Step 17 - But so it is: the ALIF is of the
Tradition of the Prophet Elijah; the SHIN is the Tradition of Mordechai
ha-Tzadik, first Head of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim; the RESH contained the
Promised Signs of the Reconciliation, the heredity of the Prophet Elijah, of
blessed mentioning. At the end, in order to understand the hidden history that
gave place to Yeshua’s receiving of those Signs, we are given to know, in the
Final Redemption, the place of the Teacher of Justice in forming the Hidden
School of the Essenes etc. With the RESH entering the phase of the failed
mission, the punishment of destruction and anathema came after it and there
began the long exile among the nations for 2000 years. Until the coming of the
FR and the CS and the Great Correction of the RESH of the name ASHER of the
Step 18 - Also in Tradition, in hilchot
melachim of the Mishnah Torah of the Rambam, ‘alav ha-shalom, it is known that
it is not necessarily the Prophet Elijah himself who appears with the
announcement of the Reconciliation and with the prophecies of the great and
terrible day of the Lord. A prophet may stand up whose mission it is to bring
and to teach the messages and announcements of the Prophet Elijah, of blessed
mentioning. Indeed the possibility that it be the Prophet Elijah himself is
another one of those ‘virtually possible but in reality impossible’ parts of
the Divine Design, an ‘if’ so great as ‘if’ Israel had always been perfect and had not sinned.
Step 19 - Who would be able to receive the
Prophet Elijah! the Israelis? the American Board of orthodox rabbis? the Reform
movement? Hassidic Jews? Notorei Karta Jews, Christians, Confucians - who???
Without a doubt he would be met by the Journalists and because of their
insulting questions, the world would be destroyed in God’s wrath, God forbid!
So was it in truth virtually possible but impossible that the chosen Goel Haim
come in person to announce himself. The fire of their sanctity would destroy
the world if they were mistreated in any way. The Hidden Tzadikim hide their
true identity and their true light is veiled; therefore can they walk among
people in the world.
Step 20 - If any one of them would reveal
his true identity and show the true power of his sanctity, all would be afraid
of him; some would run in the other direction and some would begin to show him
such honor that it would be hateful before God. And those not afraid who would
speak without derech eretz would immediately by punished. But none of the 36
Hidden Tzadikim has ever revealed himself and it is strictly forbidden and they
all hate honor shown them except for the normal derech eretz between all
people. For they are very humble before God and honor is God’s garment and
whoever accepts honor for himself is stealing the garment of the Holy One
Blessed is He.
Step 21 - How then might the Prophet Elijah
come himself or together with the chosen Goel Haim. The world could not stand
up to it; it does not have the power. The world is all confused with millions
of conflicting ideas and opinions and true derech eretz is almost non-existent
and what would happen to all the non-believers. Do you think that God Almighty
would send the beloved Prophet Elijah or the Goel Haim to announce themselves
in person, considering as well that the Prophet Elijah never died and the Tzadik
Haim died and was resurrected into the Kingdom of Heaven.
He could descend into the world and he may do so as he pleases, as does the
Prophet Elijah, but not to announce themselves in public.
Step 22 - It cannot but be admitted that the
hidden history revealed concerning the Teacher of Justice, the foundation and
extremely high level of the School of the Essenes, the contradiction
encountered by Yohhanan ha-Matbil and the messianic undertaking of Yeshua is
hardly something to chew off with one bite. It is not easy to evaluate the link
between the Signs of the Reconciliation brought by the Prophet Elijah and the
messianic mission of Jesus. It is indeed a profound meditation which must be
taken up slowly according to the messages given by the Goel Haim and our
extension of the explanations on the New Tablets of the FR. And yet God’s
Providence has not let the world be stranded without some 50 years of studying
the history of the Qumran documents so that the entire question of the Essenes
not be unfamiliar to people’s ears when the final revelation appears.
Step 23 - Nevertheless, there is much that
must be taken on faith. The entire subject of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim of every
generation is one of faith. I have received the basis from the Tzadik Haim.
When he became the final Goel it became my duty to explain what I know of the
matter. High and Large is the Faith of the Third and Final Redemption, the ALIF
of the final name EHEYE. It is High because it contains the faith in the 36 Hidden
Tzadikim and in the chosen final Head of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim as the Anointed
Judge of the Kingdom of Heaven. This represents an extremely elevated and new
faith, even though something of the existence of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim is
known in Tradition.
Step 24 - The ALIF of the final EHEYE is
called Large because it includes all the Letters of God’s name that preceded
it: the Corrected RESH and the universal Joseph Signs in the messianic mission
of Yeshua, the redemption of Purim (SHIN), the mission of the Prophet Elijah
(ALIF), the messianic Signs of David and the first Temple (HEI), the great Oral
Tradition of Israel (YOD), the written Tradition of the Torah from Sinai
(HEI) and the first redemption from
Egypt and the faith of the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (ALIF). The Hei
of the final EHEYE is the New Written Tradition of Sefer Mishnat Haim,
including the New Law. It alludes to the Completed Signs of Five Traditions, of
Moses, of Aaron, of Yehoshua bin Nun, of the Prophet Elijah and of Mordechai
Step 25 - The YOD of the final EHEYE refers
to the New Rite of the FR and the New House of Prayer of Seven Floors and
Thirteen Altars. It includes the wisdom of the Tzadik Haim taught by way of
Sefer Mishnat Haim. It includes the New Oral Tradition of the Dreams of the FR
and of the Dreams concerning this Final Fourth Generation. It includes the New,
True Kabbalah of Big Fish Leviathan. It includes the explanations of the Divine
Design of the Redemption of EHEYE ASHER EHEYE. It includes the New Tradition of
the Book of the Stars of the Redemption, of Abraham, our father. It includes
all the incredible studies of Sefer ha-Mafli, the Book which Astounds which
contains the wisdom of the comparison and confrontation of the Initial Signs of
the Redemption with the Completed and Final Signs in merit of the Goel Haim.
Step 26 - The last HEI of the final EHEYE
gives over the Signs of the Messianic Donkey of the Kingdom of Heaven who with
the coming of the Goel Haim descends to earth to be ridden upon and guided by
him, all those who receive their Donkey-Signs. Why is the Donkey-Sign called
Messianic? It’s a long story scattered throughout the texts of SMH so that it
get mixed into every subject but I’ll tell you one nice one: The Messianic
Donkey comes to teach the Jewish world and the rest of the world to stop searching for the Messiah. The
Anointed Judge of the Kingdom of Heaven has already been chosen. He is the
special Teacher Haim ben Moshe who in his death entered immediately into the
Palace of the Kingdom of Heaven, the chosen Goel of the Final Redemption. He is
the one you are truly searching for.
Step 27 - He is the one who truly comes
together with the Prophet Elijah, of blessed mentioning. For with God’s choice
of the Goel Haim, the Completed Signs of the Reconciliation of the Prophet
Elijah, as well as of the Completed Prophecies of the Fourth Generation,
descend in dreams to a few chosen loved ones of the Tzadik Haim and to a few
chosen Donkeys lucky enough to have been in the right place at the right time.
They walk on all fours and lift up their heads to bray, they open their mouth
and the Donkey of the Kingdom of Heaven answers their tongues with the new
teachings of the Final Redemption. It is all too much to bear for such simple
Donkey brains, the weights of history’s new great fulcrum of all future history
but they bray hee-haw, hee-haw, hee-haw and they immediately find themselves at
some point of the Triple Meditation.
Step 28 - We Donkeys have testified to the
miraculous reception of the Signs of the four letters of SHUSHAN, SHIN, VAV,
SHIN, NUN FINALE in Israel in 1990. As we, Adam, Paolo, Nodah and I traveled
from Bersheva to Jerusalem on a clear cloudless day, a few selected clouds
wrote for us the New SHUSHAN. The Great New SHIN started from the skies of
Bersheva and miraculously continued to maintain its form until the Western Wall
in Jerusalem where a new cloud demonstrated a beautiful VAV shining vividly
with the sun behind it and then became longer and enlarged to form a Great New
NUN FINALE blasting out light on the entire courtyard of the Kotel ha-Maaravi.
It was a wonderful Sign of the New Purim.
Step 29 - SHUSHAN is a Great Hidden Middle
Pillar which descends from the SHIN of the name ASHER. It is also the Great
Pillar of the Stars of the Redemption. SHUSHAN is the Kingdom of Heaven that
descends into the world by way of the Stars of the Redemption. Historically, if
not for the redemption of Purim, there would have been no return to Israel nor
the construction of the second Temple. The SHIN of the name ASHER thus precedes
the RESH which binds the Light of the Temple to its extension among the
nations. This also means that the revelation of the Kingdom of Heaven must precede
the Light of the Temple, as in the CS the Sign of the KOH precedes the New
Light of Hhanucat ha-Hhanucot.
Step 30 - So too in the FR the Signs of the
New SHUSHAN must be established in the world first, that is, at first, the
revelation of the New Kingdom of Heaven that descends by way of the Stars of
the Redemption into the world. These are the roots necessary to maintain
afterwards the New Light of Hhanucat ha-Hhanucot. SHUSHAN renews the Twenty-Two
letters for the just man who lives in his faith and combats, through his
service to God, the evil rasha Haman who tries to poison the Virtues of Esther.
But the Lord, our God intervenes with Stellar strategy and Esther finds favor
in the eyes of Ahhashverosh, Mordechai the Jew is uplifted and Haman is hanged
on the tree of 50 cubits which he had prepared for Mordechai ha-Tzadik.