The Just man serves God alone
The Just man trembles when he
pronounces the name of God
- The Just man who lives in
his faith does not steal a minute of time from his neighbor
The Just Man who lives in his faith does not
swear or take oaths but if he is forced to by the situation, his oath is
exclusively in the name of God.
FAITH does not desire even that which he possesses how much less so that which
belongs to others
Step 1 - For the son of the Law is a just
man who lives in his faith when he possesses the depth of the virtues of the
heart. It has been much a question of letters for my Donkey appetite, letters
that are attached to the forms of the Signs and to the their wisdom. In 1999
when I was writing the these Tablets in hand-writing, I tried to be a smart
Donkey with prophetic letters, so I said, “Let me just think of some matter
about which I had n’er pondered and most probably it’ll come out prophetic;
‘cause Donkey letters make words that make prophetic sense. It’s a question of
Step 2 - So I kicked up my spirit and picked
up my eyes with my nose and told the fuzzy clouds to hang on tight. And behold
some passing Star-angel whispered in my ear with mirthful glee, “What about the
Papal Indulgences? Make something out of that”. Wow, what nice expensive
Tickets to Paradise from so generous a Pope. “You’ve got to pay for it
now” said the Pope “but it will save you from a hell of a lot of trouble in the
end. Don’t worry about a thing! What am I here for if not to help Saint Peter
with his Gate-decisions! Secure me your pocket and I’ll secure you your Gate
with my own signature. Don’t worry, no one says no to the Holy Father; they’ll
have to let you in. Even if you’ve sinned a lot and you’ve got no intentions to
stop, daiga nisht, that’s what Papal Indulgences are made for.
Step 3 - Is it not amazing to contemplate such
holy power. Even sin itself has no place before him. Even the angels of hell
cannot betray his bidding. “Nicht zo” said Luther, “Who does he think he is,
Christ on earth! I’m gonna hammar him down to size at Wittenberg’s Gate with a whole lot of nails that just ain’t so
indulgent. How in hell can he sell Tickets to Paradise when he’s sitt’n in the hell-pits of greed and falsehood!” He was a
serious guy that Luther he was, and his German was no soft brand of tongue.
Then he Latinized it out in 92 Complaints and hung them up on the Church-door
for history’s judgment. He was a real cool Monk with hot ideas but he sure
didn’t like the Pope’s concubines.
Step 4 - “Well” I say, “this is all quite
interesting but we Donkeys, excuse the expression, just don’t give a hoof about
the Papal Indulgences or even about Luther’s great courage and sincerity. No
one needs us to tell this story, it’s history on record in a thousand books.
But wait just a minute, for sure we’re into Correction. Paul himself,
responsible for the Roman Catholicism, most certainly must have hated to the
gills such indulgent Popes and probably Luther, in that moment of history, was
a brother in his eyes. But why should Big Fish Tablets waste space on Pauline
sentiments at this stage in history?
Step 5 - Wait a minute. If the Catholic
Church was cut down to size by Luther’s Reform, especially for the Papal
Indulgences, and even Paul was happy for that, but what about the other half of
the job to be done? Well, 92 is Tzav - Turtle, in Hebrew, but is it for
slowness that Catholics not know even one? Nah, it’s not for slowness but for
Logos-lag, even Protestants couldn’t undo the Logos-bag. If Papal Indulgences
destroyed half a Church and Luther’s Injunctions created half a Church so maybe
it’s time to complete the Correction! What then might happen if a Donkey
decides to write the Final Indulgence of History? Have you ever thought of that
Step 6 - But for whom? That is the problem!
Does someone among us need indulgence? There she is, my friends, there she is!
Look at that Double-Golden Lady whose half is splender while the other half
spits venom on every injustice. Is she a Donkey or a Horse that Marvelous Tail
who threatens to blow the house down when nervous anger takes hold of her Tail
as White-Horse stands there all blustered trying now for years and years to
figure out what she’s angry about? For sure he too needs indulgence but he’s a
Man-Horse and must stand up for himself. It’s the Great Tail of the Donkey that
needs indulgence! She’s the one that need be forgiven, dear friends, for
whatever she might do.
Step 7 - At first, let’s get a few things
straight before taking on this Last Historical Indulgence. I am not, never was
and never will be the Pope! I don’t even have a Church, thank God! O.K. so I
made a Sign; it’s not my fault; it came in a dream. So I stepped onto the
balcony to greet the faithful flocks and said, “Also I wish you a good Easter”.
Not so bad for a simple Donkey! I was, well, something like the Pope in those
few seconds, no? And it’s good enough for indulgence, I would say. Like don’t
forget, I got Donkey-License and I can’t get out of that! It comes with
Correction-Right and Star-Card affiliation and even Jacob-Commitments after
Esau indulged on those lentils.
Step 8 - I’ve even got some remedies for
History-Lag, especially when it comes to Lag Be-Omer, like if your making fires
to celebrate, you should at least know what Zohar to burn! I also merited to
Toe-Cramps from breaking down Ashlag’s Emanation-Ladder with my pretty, little
Donkey-Paws! Sometimes I've been too indulgent with myself, it’s true, but
could I write an Indulgence if I didn’t have that sinning-stuff that all
repentance needs? I’ve indulged for sure, with good intentions, mind you, but
I’ve indulged. With Animal-Delight I’ve Donkeyed my Donkey-License into the
channels of Profound-Donkey-Indulgence.
Step 9 - But I do not dance in the jungle
with shoes on even if snakes have poisoned the cities and shed their skin on
unsuspecting and innocent souls. Therefore be assured, all future Donkeys and
Tails alike, I shall never again write an Indulgence after this one. This is
the First and the Last Indulgence written and granted by the Donkey who eats
Bread. And only the Original Double-Tail of the Donkey who eats Bread can
receive this Final-Papal-Indulgence of the Donkey. It is a gift for her yelling
and screaming out bloody curses on the
injustices that she sees in the world. Otherwise she is very sweet, I can
assure you. Take it from the Donkey who eats Bread.
Step 10 - Are we speaking then of Paradise, my love, but only after a hundred and twenty years, hopefully. Your
sins are all forgiven, Noda Bi-Yehudah, you are cleaned from all the past.
Domenico Manigrasso, from the other world, places his hands on your head and
forgives you all your sins and the forgiveness of God Almighty remains upon
you, for you have been granted this Last Historic Indulgence to officially end
the Star-Cycles of all Traditional-Christian Churches. Yell out your curses as
you like; they will all fall on enemies and will all go in favor of the Final
Redemption. So have I pinned up my Indulgence on the Tail of the Donkey.
Step 11 - When that hopefully very far-off
time will come, you will show them this Indulgence of the Donkey who eats Bread
and you will be ushered into the Gates of the Kingdom of Heaven
without any further ado. And so the world will come to know your uniqueness;
for no Papal Indulgence has ever been valid and except for this one-time
Donkey-Indulgence, no such an Indulgence will ever be written or made again.
This Indulgence is valid only until the year 2119. So, dear Double-Tail, don’t
worry. You can even get nervous and yell as you like and say whatever you want.
You’ve got Indulgence-License now for the sake of the masses. Get angry as much
as you desire and throw down the enemies of mankind!
Step 12 - And as for White-Horse who, as
said, could use some Indulgence himself to make him really White, may the Lord,
our God, have mercy on him and forgive him his sins and his errors, amen! But
he will also be helped by this Indulgence to his Proud-Mane. For when she
yells, he will see the walls of history come tumbling down and he will wake up
from long History-Slumber and take up his course among the Builders of History,
among the Lovers of Peace and Justice, amen!
Step 13 - And I make here a small Paul-Pause
to bring down my point. Paolo is better than Paulus, Paulus abandoned the merit
of his circumcision (Philippi) in order to
live in the spirit of Christ. Paolo abandoned all theological Christianity and
made the circumcision in order to live in the spirit of the Final Redemption
brought by the Goel Haim. Paulus abandoned the ‘altar’ of Judah to take up the ‘altar’ of the nations. Paolo arose to
the Altar of Ephraim to be the first son of Rachel to return to the confines of
Jewish Tradition in the light of the Universal Redemption for all the nations.
Paulus left Israel and sealed the separation between Jews and
Christians. Paolo came to Israel and sealed the unification between Jews and all those
of Christianity who will eventually belong to the Altar of Malchitzedek. So our
Paolo is most certainly luckier than Christ’s Paulus of the Roman Church!
Step 14 - Do you see, then, how the SHIN of
the name ASHER becomes the SHIN of SHUSHAN to bring down Purim-Costumes in
which to conceal some quite lofty Stellar purposes of Donkey and White-Horse
language? And yet all this comes from the Mighty Correction of the RESH of the
name ASHER which also brings the SHIN to its fullness in the FR by way of the
CS. And when the SHIN and the RESH again come together after so many years of
non-comprehension, then we have SHAR to sing the New Song of the Final
Step 15 -
Tail has been forgiven all her sins
many as the hair upon all chins
she’s the Double-Tail, ye get it,
the masses, don’t forget it
Lord, the masses wait for You
us, Lord, and let us see it through.
Double-Tail can rant and yell all day,
only helps keep enemies away
she’s the Double-Tail, ye know it
soul’s high but she don’t show it
Lord, the masses wait for You,
us Lord, and let us see it through.
Step 16 - I heard a program on the radio a
few days ago of some Christian religious group, I didn’t catch the name, who
are, I would say, neo-neo-neo Protestants. They believe themselves the truest
and purest form of Christianity in existence (which form of Christianity does
not!). They believe in God, in Christ, in the Holy Spirit and in the Holy
Scriptures. I was amazed or at least quite surprised to hear how they lambasted
not only the idolatry of the Catholic Church and of the Pope himself but also
that of all other Protestants. They refuse every type of image, crosses,
statues, Mary-Cult and Saint Cult. Purists!
Step 17 - Their discourses were filled with
the living experience of God’s Providence. At the same time, they derided unabashedly every
idolatrous usage of the other Churches. They felt themselves wholly purified of
all other Christian error throughout history. What surprised me most was the
adamancy with which they spoke against idolatrous usage and doctrinal idolatry
without being able to come to terms with the Trinity itself. This is, of
course, true of all Protestants and Neo-Protestants but here the clarity and
outspokenness of their anti-idolatry thesis were quite distinct from other Christian Churches. They spoke also of their constant historical
research in discovering the roots of idolatrous cults and usages of the other
Step 17 - I knew the answer from beforehand
and yet I could not help pondering on the matter; how had the Trinity passed
the borders in such an anti-idolatry environment? But that’s the way it is; if
you take away the Trinity from even the purest form of ‘Christianity’ the
deification of Christ falls away and any other definition of ‘Christianity’
loses the impact of the Messianic Mission of Christ as received by all
Christianity. The historical Trap of the Trinity closed ‘Christianity’ into
itself so that ‘Christianity’ could have no identity without the Trinity. No
reasoning could help. The faith of Christianity and the faith in the Holy
Trinity were sealed totally into the same faith.
Step 18 - Only the Completed Signs of the
Final Redemption and the Great Final Correction of Christianity undo all forms
of theological Christianity while furnishing the completed understanding of the
Messianic Mission of Jesus, Christ of the Nations. Perhaps the only exception
among Christian groups who claim to undo the Trinity, although in truth they
create a new theology even worse than the Trinity, are the Witnesses. We need
not speak of their ideas. They have created a false Kingdom of disc-spirited
Parrots. The Completed Prophetic Signs have denounced the Witnesses in no
uncertain terms. They are hated by Heaven especially because of the manner in
which they deride the Talmudic Tradition! They will be destroyed during the
second half of this Fourth Generation.
Step 19 - That will be during the terrible
period of the Day of the Lord because of their stupid, foolish and arrogant
‘love’ of that Day believing that only they will be saved. Before the eyes of
the world, they will be wiped off the face of the earth, those who do not exit
from their clutches before it is too late. They hate the Jewish people and
Jewish Tradition. And as the foolishness of other neo-Protestant groups such as
the Unified Church of Armstrong, they do not believe in the other world
of the souls. It is strictly prohibited in Prophets to rejoice in the day of
the Lord, for it is a day of death and mourning, a time of affliction and pain,
a time of scarcity and destruction. It is because of the rejoicing of the
Witnesses that they will be given time until that period and then they will be
destroyed before the eyes of the world.
Step 20 - There is, however, a world of
sincere Christians, with good intentions, who have tried to make heads or tails
with the theological conflict between the Christian Trinity and the pure
monotheism of the Second Commandment. But they do not know how to break down
john’s Logos nor can they manage to recede from Paul’s messianic-deification.
It is similar to the religious Jews who have taken on the Lurianic Kabbalistic
Language of the last 400 years. You cannot convince them that the entire gamut
of the falsely called Kabbalah from the Zohar of Spain to the kabbalists of
Tzvat to the Hasidic movements in Poland and Russia to Habad’s false
messianism, all derive from a terrible theological error, the Doctrine of
Step 21 - If one understands the total
falsification of the true faith of the Torah through the Doctrine of Emanation,
he will readily discard 400 years or even 700 years of false Kabbalah and will
return to the simple and pure monotheistic faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
If, on the other hand, one believes in the Zohar and in the World of Emanation
and in the entire kabbalistic chain based on Emanation, you cannot bring him
back to the pure faith of Israel. So too in Christianity; if one understands the
inherent falsehood of the deification of any person in existence, you can undo
for him the Trinity, the Logos and Paul’s Divine Messiah. Otherwise, from now
to kingdom’s come, you will not be able to convince him differently.
Step 22 - In the Jewish dilemma, those who
read and study those kabbalistic texts become ever more convinced and among
Christians those who read the New Testament are ever more convinced, whether by
John’s Logos or Paul’s ensnaring comparisons. Jews who read the New Testament
tend to laugh it off because of the blatant idolatry it contains but the New
Testament writings are, nevertheless, extremely potent. The force of the faith
of the writers are in them and the Letters of Paul are among the most forceful.
The Jewish Circumcised Pharisee in shunning the advantages of those
commandments and considering them disadvantages compared to receiving the new
life in the Messiah Jesus is stunningly effective because of the heart-felt
sincerity of Paul.
Step 23 - Paul’s fall on the road to Damascus,
his vision of Jesus, his conversion, his struggle, his suffering every kind of
death for the new spirit that he now lived in, touches the heart of faith. Also
the changeover of heart from his being a Pharisee to his love for Christ is
overwhelming and illuminating. I speak of this here for the purpose of
mentioning the important Correction of Paulus that recently came after concluding
Esther 4 and beginning Esther 5 both concerning the war against John’s false
Logos. Anna Gasparotti dreamed that Peretz in order to make a Correction on a
young Christian girl (she was in a place where once a church was found) wanted
to cut off her tongue. Anna realizing the drastic consequences of such a cut,
took up, instead, a type of mouth-spray, squirted it into the girl’s mouth and
resolved the Correction without any harm or danger or disadvantage.
Step 24 - The meaning in Short-Cut Donkey
style is this. For 16 years of the CS, until the ‘destruction’ of the Logos of
Esther 4, I had not established nor had I intended to establish the term Christ
of the Nations. Because of history’s idolatrous use of this term, I didn’t
think that it had to be reconfirmed in any manner and that our explanations of
the true Messianism of Yeshua were sufficient. I probably should have considered
more closely the fact of the Goel Haim’s usage of the term Christ in the Sign
of the Stars but I had considered that usage for the purpose of the Correction.
In any case the non-understanding in the CS, until they are resolved by the
signs themselves, comes in general because a previous understanding would have
impeded important and essential aspects of the question. Here the Logos, which
more than any other New Testament force had established the deified Christ, had
to be destroyed more definitively and this was accomplished in Esther 4 in the war against the false-Christ plagiarizer of
Step 25 - With John’s Logos cut down and all
the false Christhood that it had created, I was hardly in the mind-framework to
re-establish the term Christ. Therefore the dream of Anna came to demonstrate
that Peretz by cutting out the term Christ was cutting off the Christian
tongue; this was clearly counter-productive in having to affront the Christian
world. So Anna, first Priestess of the Altar of the Nations, herself born
Catholic, was given the honor to perform the Correction of the girl’s tongue
without cutting it off. I established the term ‘Jesus, Christ of the Nations’
as final in the Final New Pact of the FR in merit of the chosen Goel Haim.
Step 26 - This fact, however, of
establishing the term ‘Christ of the Nations’ does not represent the Correction
of John the Evangelist because the destruction of the Logos is a total
destruction. The only Correction of the Logos is its total destruction whereas the
Correction of John’s 4th Gospel is of another level which may be synthesized as
the new understanding of the true and final position of the Anointed Judge of
the Kingdom of Heaven, the Goel Haim, which is the finalization of the Initial
Sign of Christ, Judge of the Kingdom of Heaven. (see in Italian Giovanni
l’Evangelista senza lo Spirito del Verbo) Instead, the final fixing of the term
‘Jesus, Christ of the Nations’ does represent the Correction of Paul of Tarsus. It was Paul who opened Christianity to the nations
so that Jesus become the Christ of the Nations.
Step 27 - But something was yet missing from
the Correction of Paul. The Catholic Church became the Pope’s Church and if
Paul’s Christ of the Nations, even though falsified theologically, had now been
corrected by the corrected term of Jesus, Christ of the Nations, without any
foolish deification, the Institution of the Pope, the Vicar of Christ on earth,
had to be undone. Therefore the Donkey got Poped on the Balcony and said, “I
wish you a good Easter also I, hee-haw, hee-haw”. The Donkey had been Poped but the Pope had
not yet been popped out of his Vicarious position. Jesus, Christ of the Nations
had to be ‘officially’ disassociated with the Pope.
Step 28 - And thus has it come prophetically
in these Tablets of Big Fish that the Donkey-Pope write the Great Final Papal
Indulgence of History in favor of Noda, the Tail of the Donkey. This is the
singing laughter of Isaac that descends to earth by way of the Correction of
the RESH of the name ASHER dressed in the appropriate Purim forms of the SHIN
of SHUSHAN. For who could imagine that the Donkey’s Indulgence for the Tail
completes Stellarly for all future generations the total undoing of the
Catholic Church. For as the Horns of the Ram are pulled out of the Thicket,
completing the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil Corrected, distinguishing all
that which was false in Christianity and between what was based on truth in
Christianity, Isaac, our father laughs with joy at every true step of the Great
Reconciliation of the Prophet Elijah, of blessed mentioning, that is coming for
the world, in merit of the chosen Goel Haim.
Step 29 - May 20, 2003; Iyar 18, 5763; Lag
Be-Omer; Battle of the Fish 28; Bersheva: As I speak here, in re-writing these
Tablets on computer from my manuscript of 1999, about the Laughter of Isaac, I
am reminded that today (May 19) in the afternoon, I dreamed Jerry Louis; he was
young and he asked me for a blessing; I stood up (we were sitting together at a
table) and blessed him in the name of EL SHADDAI asking for him as well a
blessing for his marriage (or perhaps for finding the right woman to marry). He
was very happy about this blessing. Then I said to him, “You must be very
careful, however, to keep your eyes open and not let others consume all that
you possess”. - - I don’t yet know what
the dream means but it makes me laugh anyway.
Step 30 - Above I spoke of Toe-Cramps in
breaking down Ashlag’s Ladder. Tonight we all went out with the children and
Moshe Bardi to a park of Lag Be-Omer fires and upon the wood we happily burnt two fat volumes of the Book
of the Zohar. Ron, a friend of Yehoel, Yehoel, accidentally stepped on my toe.
Close to us some other people had placed together large pieces of wood,
together with a big wooden ladder in pyramid position ready for its
conflagration. I said it looked like the Tower of Babel. But they were unable to get it lit until they took
some of the embers left from our fire. As the ladder went up in flames, I
understood it was Sign against the Ashlag Ladder School of Kabbalah at Jerusalem and against the great tower of confusion created by
the false kabbalah. We made several prayers among which was that the fires of
all the madurot in all eretz yisrael be united to burn down and destroy the enemies
of Israel such as Hamas and Islamic Gihad and all other terrorist fanatics.
Amen and may that it be so. Hear our prayer o Lord, God of Israel. Stand up and be a Man of War to destroy Israel’s enemies, as it states in the Hagada ’In every
generation they stand up against us to destroy us and the Holy One Blessed is
He saves us from their hands’. Stand up now, we pray You, and destroy the
enemies of Israel.