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Sefer Mishnat Haim
Petal 2 - Sefer Ha-Hhok ha-Hhadash - the Law of the Final Redemption
30 PASSES - These are 30 Tablets of 30 Gnomen each
representing the Heart of the Law of the Final Redemption
contents - basic laws of the Sabbath for the Altars of Judah and Efraim in the House of Prayer of the Final Redemption
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shall you labour, and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath in honour of the Lord, your God; on it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son nor your daughter, your man-servant, nor your maid-servant, nor your cattle, nor the stranger that is within your gates; for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day, therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.
GNOMEN 1 Shabbat is the great day of spiritual and physical pleasure. On Shabbat we are dedicated to enjoyment, both of the body and of the soul. The prohibited work of the Sabbath comes to enhance the total consecration in binding the blessing of God to the blessed existence of each person on earth.
Gnomen 2
Bread of the Donkey dressed as a Lion: 765 - Deborah dreamed (Dec. 12, 1991 - Sombrero) that there arrived some women who had come to know about the School of Shoshana. Deborah, seeing that they were interested in knowing something more about the studies of the School, opened a book. This book contained the Life of the Teacher Haim, his teachings and discourses. Deborah read a phrase regarding Shabbat: On Shabbat the kitchens are broken because one cannot cook. But Shabbat doesnt mean only dont cook or dont light or use fire. On Shabbat there descends on the person a spirit of prayer, and it is especially on this day that one should ask of God that which he or she has in his or her heart. If, for example, one desires to ask God to have mercy on those who have no food or no clothing or no house, Shabbat is propitious for such prayers. - The women, not having understood well this subject, were not very enthusiastic. After this Deborah saw the Teacher Haim and Peretz who came close to her. She greeted them while noticing that Peretz stood behind the Teacher. When they were before Deborah, she embraced both of them. -
Gnomen 3 Sabbath is the holy day of the week and therefore it is separated from the 6 days of work, for everything holy must be totally separated from that which is profane. This separation is immediately demonstrated in the Torah by Gods separating His actions in the act of Creation from the 6 days of His creating the world. There is, of course, no tiring in God that He must rest after His working. His resting on the seventh day, however, comes to teach us how to sanctify ourselves on the holy Sabbath, namely by refraining from all that which is considered profane or worldly work.
Gnomen 4 The First Commandment transmits the true tradition of the faith. The Second Commandment decrees the only true doctrine of the pure monotheistic faith. TheThird Commandment sanctifies the spirit by refraining from being profane in regards to the name of God. The fourth commandment establishes the sanctification of time, the source of which is the separation of the Sabbath from the 6 days of the week. Without the Sabbath, all times would be equal. Therefore the Creator Himself declared that, at the end of the sixth day, He stopped creating so as to sanctify the time of the seventh day.
Gnomen 5 That the sanctification is represented by the cessation from work demonstrates as well that work itself is not a purpose unto itself but a means for arriving at the true purpose for which that work was designed, as it is said in tradition Whoever tires himself on the eve of the Sabbath (that is during the 6 working days of the week) it is he who will take pleasure on the Sabbath. This is also a format for understanding that it is not the work of this world which is the final purpose but the higher rest and pleasure of the next world. The work of this world is a means to come unto that pleasure.
Gnomen 6 We will speak more about the Sabbath in relative Tables and we will also explain how the Sabbath is to be understood by those of the Altar of the Nations who are not commanded in the sanctification of the seventh day. Below are some clarifications of Sabbath laws as prescribed in the New Law for the Altars of Judah and Efraim.
GNOMEN 7 Sabbath is intention, and work means intended work, and thus whoever does a prohibited work on account of illness is not culpable.
GNOMEN 8 It is forbidden to write on the Sabbath because the writing is as creating and it is prohibited to create on the Sabbath.
GNOMEN 9 It is forbidden to travel in a car on the Sabbath, because the driver is compelled to do things not of the Sabbath. But those who live outside of Israel and have difficulty walking to the synagogue without a car may travel by any means, and they will be forgiven because the remoteness of places in the modern life are bridged by vehicles only. It is for sure not better that one sit inside his house to watch the television rather than go to the synagogue! In Israel, however, in general, there is a synagogue within walking distance.
GNOMEN 10 In using electricity, the prohibition may be overcome for those used to using electricity on the Sabbath, by making a change, for instance, if he normally uses a certain finger, he might use his thumb etc.
GNOMEN 11 One must wash before the Sabbath and the Sabbath itself is not the time of the washing, for one must enter the Sabbath with the cleanliness of body. So too one must dress clean and special clothes, each according to his standard, in respect of the Sabbath.
GNOMEN 12 Outside of Israel it is permissible to bring out and to carry, to expel, to withdraw and to convey, but only for things that pertain to the Sabbath, such as a Prayer Book or Talet or handkerchiefs etc. But anything heavy should not be lifted or carried on the Sabbath for whatever is tiring diminishes the sanctity of the Sabbath.
GNOMEN 13 It is permissible to crack open nuts, or to remove a peel from fruits, and so too whatever pertains to foods eaten, such as separating what is not eatable from that which is eatable, all is permitted.
GNOMEN 14 It is permissible not to answer the telephone on the Sabbath, and those who wish to answer when it rings may. It is permissible to put on the radio and to listen to whatever one likes, but it is forbidden to record tapes or the like or to take photos.
GNOMEN 15 It is forbidden to fix or repair or correct things.
GNOMEN 16 It is forbidden on the Sabbath to cut objects or hair or finger or toe-nails with scissors or other cutting instruments. But for such as an incarnated toenail which is giving pain, one does what he must do.
GNOMEN 17 It is forbidden to use money on the Sabbath to buy something or to pay wages etc. but it is permissible to touch money. (We do not decree mukzeh for the New Sanctity of the FR.)
GNOMEN 18 It is permissible to utilise the elevator of the house on the Sabbath even if one must operate it by himself. This is because walking up stairs may cause heart weakness in this generation.
GNOMEN 19 It is forbidden on the Sabbath to run, for this diminishes the feeling of calmness loved by Shabbat.
GNOMEN 20 It is a privilege to be with ones wife on the night of Sabbath.
GNOMEN 21 It is forbidden to lift ones voice to yell on the Sabbath, for this is against the spirit of the Sabbath and opposes its holiness.
GNOMEN 22 It is prohibited emphatically to talk on the Sabbath about money and business or work, nor should one even think about such things. For the Sabbath is a framework of sanctified thoughts and, to maintain this, one must leave worldly matters for the week days.
GNOMEN 23 It is good to smell perfumes on the Sabbath, as well as to greet the Sabbath and bless it with songs and praises and a beautiful set table.
GNOMEN 24 It is a privilege to sing songs of the Sabbath.
GNOMEN 25 It is a privilege to study on the Sabbath words of the Torah or of Sefer Mishnat Haim.
GNOMEN 26 It is permissible to read on the Sabbath whatever one takes delight in. One should, nevertheless, not read things of low standards which oppose the spirit of the Sabbath.
GNOMEN 27 The Teacher of Life, Haim, would himself buy something for the Sabbath on Friday and carried it in his own hands, saying that it was a great privilege to do such for the honour of the Sabbath.
GNOMEN 28 Those who are accustomed to take a shower every day, and it is difficult for them to do without it may overcome this prohibition by making some change from the usual manner, so that the delight in the Sabbath is not diminished.
GNOMEN 29 It is a privilege to eat on the Sabbath, even every half hour, at least with fruits or pistachios or the like, as long as one enjoys them and is healthy enough. All those who keep the Sabbath will find that on the Sabbath they have special appetites. This derives from the sanctity of the Sabbath, as it is known that on the Sabbath one has an extra soul.
GNOMEN 30 It is a privilege to eat fish on Friday night. Fish is seven in Hebrew (DAG) and the taste of fish on the Sabbath is a portion from Leviathan which will be eaten by the just during the seventh thousandth year. Also Shor ha-Bar Wild Bull with exquisite meat will add to the tastes of that great banquet.