Petal 2 - Sefer Ha-Hhok ha-Hhadash - the Law of the Final Redemption
30 PASSES - These are 30 Tablets of 30 Gnomen each
representing the Heart of the Law of the Final Redemption
contents - some basic laws from Rambam, the death penalty, maakah, guarding ones own health, the dangers of life in this Fourth Generation
Gnomen 1 It is not written do not kill (al taharog) but do not murder (al tirtzahh); this is premeditated murder or homicide in a moment of wrath. It is not simply killing or the taking of another persons life. Gnomen 2 This is proven by the fact that the Torah itself commands the death penalty in certain cases ** notes from Mishnah Torah, hilchot rotzeiahh u-shemirat ha-nefesh:
perek 1, halacha 1 - Whoever kills another Jew transgresses the negative precept of Do not murder (Exodus 20, 14) . If one murdered intentionally before witnesses, his death penalty is the sword (saif - which entailed the cutting off of the head), as it states nakem yenakem (Exodus 21, 20 - he will surely be vindicated) from which it is interpreted in tradition the sword; so it is whether he killed with iron or by fire, his death is the sword. Gnomen 3 It is forbidden to intentionally murder any other human being, except where the responsibility for killing others is authorized by a proper court or by the official military command in time of war. Goder Peretz - Generally the laws of the Torah are seen in terms of the various kinds of relationship between Jews themselves. Even such a positive commandment such as and you shall love your neighbor as yourself in its strict sense is a commandment to Israel and does not entail any obligation for a Jew to love those who are not Jews. There is, of course, the commandment of having mercy on all people as well as on animals. So too is it written And you must love the stranger who is in your midst, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. Gnomen 4 The laws of the Torah are binding Commandments for the children of Israel, both the laws between man and God and the laws between one Jew and another. If not for this exclusive binding, no Jewish society could have been created on the basis of the Torah. There are, however, many laws which bind Jews to their moral obligations towards non-Jews. The fact that a Jew transgresses a negative precept if he kills another Jew does not mean, God forbid, that it is permitted for a Jew to kill anyone who is not Jewish.In general the category which does bind Jews to non-Jews in terms of law are the laws of derech eretz; these are the laws of respect and of excellent moral behavior between all people which are always binding. It is of course forbidden for a Jew to do anything immoral or unjust to a non-Jew, whether killing or committing adultery or stealing or giving false testimony or desiring that which belongs to a non-Jew.
Gnomen 5
The Commandment of " DO NOT MURDER in its legal binding sense for Jews relates to other Jews who are likewise bound by the same law. The transgression of this Commandment in its strict sense and its punishment are seen in the light of the functioning Jewish society with the Great Jewish Tribunal established. The Torah prescribes various levels of punishment, not only punishments, so to speak, at the hands of God, but by way of the Tribunal judging in view of the Law of God. The term ELOHIM itself in the Torah often means Tribunal, that is, the Jewish Tribunal given the power by the Torah to judge all cases regarding Jews and to punish accordingly. Gnomen 6 The Law of the FR is not based on the halacha yet it is bound to the Laws of the Torah and Tradition as they are to be applied for the time of the Final Redemption.The New Law, therefore, is not concerned with the judgments of the Great Tribunal for Jews according to the conditions of the halacha but is established under the name of the Tribunal of Mordechai ha-Tzadik, the Universal Tribunal of the Final Redemption. The kernels and principles of all true law based on the Torah are contained in the Mishnah Torah of the Great Eagle, the Rambam, peace be upon him.The Law of the FR is the New Universal Law of the Great Congregation of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Distinctions are made between those of the Altar of Judah, the Altar of Efraim and the Altar of Malchitzedek and the Rug of Islam but all are part of the New Rite and the New Law of the Final Redemption.
Gnomen 7 The Rambam himself enumerates 60 positive commandments (46 for women) out of 248 positive commandments in the Torah actually applicable to all male Jews, at all times and in all places.The greatest number of commandments of the 613 mitzvoth of the Torah were applicable when the Temple and the Great Tribunal were standing in Jerusalem. The Third Temple, however, and the Great Tribunal of Mordechai ha-Tzadik which will eventually be established at Jerusalem will be under the New Sanctification of the New Law. The entire system of the sanctification of the New Priesthood is based on the New Sanctity of the Completed Signs and not on the former sanctification.
Gnomen 8 So too the system of animal sacrifices in the Temple has become obsolete. The distinctions between Cohen, Levite and Israelite have no bearing on the Final Redemption. The laws of the Cohanim concerning lepers, and house-plagues etc. are no longer applicable. The ordeal of erasing Gods Name in water given to the suspected wife will not return. So too the laws of slaves are no longer applicable, for the institution of slavery is hated in all the world. In Israel, the cities of the Levites will no longer have place and the cities of refuge for accidental killers are substituted by modern legal systems. Gnomen 9 Death penalties and all penal law in Israel will be under the legal system of the Government. The Government of Israel, however, at that time will be in agreement with the New Pact of the Final Redemption. Governments and the legal systems will be perfected. They will be eventually under the fear of God and many laws will be reviewed in the light of the truth of the Final Redemption. Corruption will be destroyed and the just laws will reign, but the society established by the Torah for directing all aspects of the civil existence for Jews by way of the authority of the Great Tribunal is no longer applicable.Gnomen 10 The institution of the blood-redeemer is no longer acceptable in the modern standard of penal law, and it has no bearing on the New Law. *
* halacha 2 of hilchot rotzeiahh ishemirat ha-nefesh
It is a mitzvah at the hands of a blood-redeemer to kill the murderer, as it states
the blood redeemer himself will kill the murderer. Whoever is a proper heir is a blood-redeemer. If a blood-redeemer did not want or was not able to kill him or if no blood-redeemer exists, the Tribunal kills the murderer by punishment of the sword. Gnomen 11 The spilling of blood renders the earth impure. The influxes of the stars are distorted by this pollution and the land is not blessed from heaven *. Thus even a single act of spilling innocent blood reverberates upon all those who are in that territory or that city **.* halacha 4 ----
there is nothing about which the Torah is more severe than the spilling of blood as it states and do not pollute the land . for blood pollutes the earth etc.** This is the reason for the rite commanded in the Torah of breaking the neck of a heifer in the valley of a river, when a dead person has been found etc. This redeems the pollution from the earth.
Gnomen 12 Only true justice against the killer rectifies that pollution. Therefore if the Penal Code of any country does not contain the death penalty, it endangers the country, condemning it to its impurity and lack of blessing. Indeed, a country which precludes the death penalty distorts the entire balance of the judicial system. For there is no balance in judgment if the punishment does not correspond to the crime committed. Putting a person who has cold-bloodedly taken the life of an innocent person in prison does not rectify the spilled blood. Gnomen 13 There exists now the tendency or the law, as for example here in Italy, to do away with the death penalty. The main reason for this is that many injustices have been perpetrated in the name of justice and many have been condemned to death on circumstantial evidence and afterwards it became known that the person was innocent of the murder for which he was condemned. It was for this reason that the Torah did not allow the Tribunal to condemn anyone to the death penalty on circumstantial evidence. It is known in tradition that when the Great Sanhedrin was functioning, if it condemned someone to the death penalty in 7 and some say 70 years, it was called a cruel Tribunal.Gnomen 14
Such is the proper measure, not the undoing of the death penalty. The death penalty must exist because there are crimes that require it but the person convicted must be proven guilty by true witnesses who saw the murder. When that guilt cannot be proven except by circumstantial evidence, even if it is quite clear that the person is guilty, it is then proper to impose a long term or even a life-term in prison. It is exactly this lack of distinction that has ruined the judicial system. One must, however, not change a just law because of corrupt judges. One must change the judges. Nor must one condemn a just law because the proper equilibrium in judging according to that law has not been properly established by the judicial system of which it is part. One must re-examine the law and rectify the manner of its application.Gnomen 15 One who kills the pursuer of another person to kill him or her has saved the life of the pursued person *. If, however, it is possible to save the person without killing the pursuer, he must only wound the pursuer or stop him in some other manner.
* halacha 13 - whoever is able to save (the person pressed) by wounding the pursuer but did not try to and killed him, is guilty of spilling blood
halacha 14 - Whoever was able to save another person but did not save him transgresses do not stand on the blood of your neighbor (al taamod al dam reiecha). So it is for the one who sees another drowning in the sea, or thieves coming against him----- or that others have set a trap against his neighbour and he did not inform his neighbour, and in all similar cases, one transgresses do not stand on the blood of your neighbor.
* halacha 6 Someone who pursues another person to kill him, even if the person was a child, all Israel is commanded to save the person pursued, even if this entails killing the pursuer.
Gnomen 16 - halacha 7 - How is it? If they warned him while he was pursuing the other and he refused their warning and continued to pursue, he can be killed. And if they are able to save the other by damaging a limb of the pursuer, such as with an arrow or a stone or a sword and they cut off his hand or break his leg or blind his eye, so must they do. But if they are not able to save him except by killing him then they must kill him, even though he has still not murdered, as it states and you shall cut off her palm, let your eye not have mercy.halacha 8 - for it is the same whether it speaks about (her grabbing) his testicles or whether it is any other thing in which there is a danger of death. And it so both for a woman or a man.
halacha 9 - This too is a negative commandment, not to have mercy on the life of a pursuer. Therewith the Sages learned that concerning a pregnant woman whose life is endangered in her birth-giving, it is permitted to cut the embryo which is in her, whether it be by a drug or with the hand, for it is considered as a pursuer trying to kill her. But once the head of the embryo has come out, one must not harm it, for it is not permitted to prefer one life to another, and whatever follows is the nature of the world
.halacha 10 - It is the same for one who pursues another to kill him or one who pursues a betrothed girl (naarah meurassa) to molest her by force, as it states for one who arises against his neighbor and killed him, so is this thing. For it states the betrothed girl cried out and there was no one to save her. Thus if there is someone to save her, one must save her by any means possible, even if this results in killing the pursuer.
Gnomen 17 It is forbidden by the law of God to commit suicide * .* Perek 2, halacha 3 - ---- it states
whoever spills the blood of a man, in man his blood will be spilled; this refers to the one who kills by himself without sending someone else to kill for him; your blood according to your souls will I seek - this refers to one who kills himself - from every beast will I seek it this refers to the one who puts another person before a beast to devour him - from the man, from the hand of the person (against) his brother will I seek the soul of a man - this refers to the one who hires others to kill for him. Clearly in all three statements the term seeking (drisha) is used because their judgment is in the hands of Heaven ((their death is not given over to the Jewish Tribunal))The Bread of the Donkey dressed as a Lion: (dream 404) - Deborah dreamed (Nov. 12, 1988 - Milan) that Saeed was explaining to some drug addicts who wanted to commit suicide that suicide is a great sin. The youths said that in such a way they would come to the Kingdom of Heaven more quickly. Saeed explained that if they took their own lives, this is against the will of
God who is the Giver of Life, and therefore would not see the Kingdom of Heaven but would be placed in punishment below. - Gnomen 18 It is prohibited by the law of God to allow ones property to be cause to someones death. Therefore the Torah commanded to build a fence around ones roof *.* Perek 11, halacha 1 - It is a positive commandment for one to make a fence (maakah) for his roof, as it states
and you shall make a maakah on your roof----halacha 3 ....The separating fence must be strong enough that a person can lean on it without its falling. And whoever leaves his roof without a maakah transgresses both a positive and a negative commandment, as it states
do not put blood in your house.halacha 4 - It is the same whether it is a roof or if it is anything else so dangerous that it could cause death to someone, such as a well or a large hole in his courtyard, whether it is filled with water or not, one is obligated to make a fence around it---- or to make a covering for it---
Gnomen 19 It is a commandment of the Torah not to do anything which damages or endangers ones health or which is dangerous to ones life, as it states, and you must be exceedingly careful to guard yourself. It is thus sinful and unloved before Heaven all that which one does against his or her own health. So is it undesired before Heaven that a person put his life in danger for the sake of sport, for he is playing with a life which is in essence not his but a gift given him from God with the Commandment of guarding and preserving himself. Car racing, for example, is not a true sport but a game of potential suicide. Gnomen 20 Proper hygiene, in ones house, in ones bathroom, in ones kitchen and with oneself is an essential element of guarding ones health. See Tablet 7, Table hygiene. Eating proper foods in the proper manner and in the proper proportions is an essential element in guarding ones health. See Tablet 7, Table foods and eating. Physical exercise, if this is not covered by ones work-activity, is essential for maintaining the body in good, flexible shape.The modern world has witnessed the unrelenting rise of heart attacks and the death toll for this illness is terribly high. Such heart-attacks were virtually non-existent in the past, let us say before electricity. The modern society has brought with it the ever increasing worries and anxieties and mental stress which are the main causes of heart failure. It is not easy to beat the preoccupation if not by the virtue of faith and the positive thinking which derives from it.
Gnomen 21 There are by now thousands upon thousands of books which attempt to help people maintain their health through systems of proper diets and through useful physical exercise and by maintaining a positive spirit which in the long run is essential to ones mental and physical well-being. Many of these books, when they do not try to convince people to follow a very particular or a narrow path, are useful and much can be learned from them. Books concerning herbs and natural medicines are extremely interesting to study. Gnomen 22 Bread of the Lion: - There are many categories of life-dangers in this Fourth Generation. We will mention here a few Signs revealed in the Prophetic Signs of the FG. The Fourth Generation is filled with dangers and with decrees of punishment from Heaven, for it is the known generation in which comes the great and terrible day of the Lord. The heavy bulk of that prophesied day will come in the second half of this Fourth Generation, towards the final period, but in general the entire period of 65 years (April 1983 - April 2048) is in the category of the great and terrible day of the Lord. Therefore the dangers of this generation are greater than in any other period of history.See Tablet 22, Table Day of the Lord-
Gnomen 23 Clear signs have been sent that it will be necessary to prepare places of refuge during this generation and it will be necessary to store up securely sealed foods. Similar to commandments of the Torah given for the sake of protection, the place of refuge to be prepared is a commandment for this Fourth Generation. For, unfortunately, there will be wars or battles and even nuclear fallout. There will be famine and a great scarcity of food and there will be plagues of sickness. All this is for reason of mankinds lack of appreciation of the goodness sent by God and because of many sins which are in total contrast to the true nature of the world. Gnomen 24 (dream 872) - Anna Gasparotti dreamed (July 10, 1993 - Milan) that she had to bring Marco Federico into an unknown house because there would be a dangerous exposure of lunar rays. She took him, together with another child who was present, and, after having wrapped him around with a blanket from head to foot, she brought him there. The danger was so great that even the moon rays which infiltrated the fissures of the venetian-blinds would be damaging. The highest point of danger would be reached on the 5th of May. In that house, Anna saw the remains of a dinner with a large part left over, wasted. She stopped to pick up the pieces of left-over bread that were still fresh and she put them in her pocket-book to carry away with her. -From the Altar of the Prophet - see Message - Day of the
Lord Gnomen 25 The refuge shelters will have to be protected from nuclear fallout. They must be large enough to live in and to store up large quantities of food.The Bread of the Donkey dressed as a Lion:
(dream 8) - Iliade dreamed (June 1983 - Milan) the Teacher of Life, Haim, who was speaking with all the pupils. He warned, In this year you will have to stay very close to the Teacher. Around, on all sides, Iliade saw visions of shootings, wars, distructions and blood. It was necessary that the pupils find a refuge. They found it in a place of prayer that had no Christian or Jewish symbols. Gnomen 26 (dream 623) Anna Gasparotti dreamed (Jan. 1, 1990 -Pilzone) that from above she saw a large ship or marine-platform struck by an air attack. The explosion was almost atomic and it set in motion a frightful war. People were panic stricken and they fled to find a place of refuge. After this Anna was by a river with threatening waters into which flowed other rivers from right and left that were filled with dirty water. This situation incremented the terror of the people and they sought shelter. Anna and her family had a key: it was that of a house partially hidden under the ground which had in it all the necessities, including food, for living securely. Gnomen 27 Also the sun and the moon represent dangers of the Fourth Generation which must be avoided as much as possible. Said simply, the rays of the moon and the rays of the sun, during this generation, may at times be extremely dangerous. This is especially true if one exposes himself to the sun, for example, at the sea-shore.The moon-rays may be even worse than those of the sun. It is wise not to stare at the moon and to avoid being exposed to the moon, whether it is bright or whether it is pale.
The Bread of the Donkey dressed as a Lion:
(dream 58) - Anna Gasparotti dreamed (May 20, 1985 - Milan) that she was in some unknown square. It was dark. Above, surrounded by clouds, the moon was full. Unexpectedly there was a total eclipse of the moon. Marco Federico, her son, had her note the complete absence of the moon. At that point, from the dark moon one was able to perceive quick rotating movements with luminous traces. Peretz by way of friends warned them not to look at the moon because it was dangerous and told them to pass on the word. Anna and the other talmidim warned people that fifteen people had died because they looked at the moon and they had been hit by fatal radiation. The pupils took cover in a large house with small windows and red wooden lockets. By day, the sun was pale and dark. By night the moon was too bright. There they lived and there they took guard, barricaded inside. For cooking, they ignited any wood that they could find. By night they were extremely cautious to avoid the rays of the moon. There were apocalyptic scenes, but the pupils of the Teacher Haim were unharmed and protected.- Gnomen 28 ( dream. 290 ) Deborah dreamed (Feb. 1988 - Milan) that she saw a very red moon. Whoever looked at it fell dead to the ground. Deborah was afraid; she felt a hand that held her arm and she thought of the Prophet Elijah. She placed her thought on God and she became calm. Paolo explained that the moon was in the sign of the honey-moon but also in the sign of the moon of blood. Its rays come to destroy evil people who do not take refuge in God Gnomen 29 It is wise to store up food in ones house so as to be ready for times when food will be lacking. (dream 695) - Francesca Tramontana dreamed (June 4, 1990 - Milan) that she saw a man who said, Appreciate food now because the time will come when it will be missing. (dream 308) - Daniel dreamed (April 3, 1988 - Milan) that he was at home; there were many guests eating lavishly at a large table relishing the foods at hand. Daniel didnt participate and was very disgusted. He went out to the balcony and found there a policeman who asked him for help; the work consisted of storing up food. Together they put away various foods into blue-colored cartels (boxes), to seal them and put them in order on the shelves. The work was very tiring and long; in the end they filled an entire room. The principle foods stored were pasta and meat. - Gnomen 30 (dream 187) Deborah dreamed (April 16, 1987 - Milan) that Peretz and Paolo and another two persons were standing on a small mountain, looking at the sky. Peretz began to explain that it was necessary to get prepared for the period in which the food will be scarce. He then said this strange phrase From the maternal breast that God will open there will be contained milk and honey, and, perhaps your husbands will want to drink, but be careful because also the milk will finish. - From the Altar of the Prophet - New Law - Tablet 22, Table Day of the Lord--------------------------------------------