Petal 2 - Sefer Ha-Hhok ha-Hhadash - the Law of the Final Redemption
30 PASSES - These are 30 Tablets of 30 Gnomen each
representing the Heart of the Law of the Final Redemption
contents - forbidden sexual relations, adultery, mariages, monogomy and bigamy, homosexuals, dina dmalchuta dina prohibition of intercourse during menstrual period, normal manner of intercourse -DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY
Gnomen 1 It is forbidden for any man to have sexual relations with any woman who belongs, by marriage or by agreement and cohabitation, to another man. Gnomen 2 Notes from the Mishnah Torah before halacha 1 It is forbidden to fornicate with ones mother.
It is forbidden to fornicate with the wife of ones father.
It is forbidden to fornicate with ones sister.
It is forbidden to fornicate with the daughter of ones son.
It is forbidden to fornicate with ones daughter.
It is forbidden to fornicate with the sister of ones father.
It is forbidden to fornicate with the sister of ones mother.
It is forbidden to fornicate with the wife of the brother of ones father.
It is forbidden to fornicate with the wife of ones son.
It is forbidden to fornicate with the wife of ones brother.
It is forbidden to fornicate with the sister of his wife.
It is forbidden to lay with an animal.
It is forbidden for a woman to bring an animal into her.
It is forbidden to lay with another male * .
* see Tablet of the New Law concerning homosexuality in this generation, Tablet 7, Table homosexuality, sex-life- It is forbidden to reveal the nudity of ones father.It is forbidden to reveal the nudity of the brother of ones father.
It is forbidden to fornicate with a married woman.
It is forbidden to copulate with a woman during her menstrual cycle * .
* see Tablet 7, Table Menstrual period and the Tablet 7, Table of the New Mikveh (ritual bath of purification) - It is forbidden for a Jew to marry a non-Jew * . * see the Tablet of the New Law concerning marriage for the Altars of Judah, Efraim and Malchitzedek , Tablet 7, Table New Marriage---It is forbidden to castrate a male, even a domestic animal or a beast or a bird.
* Gnomen 3 DIARY of the Donkey dressed as a Lion: after writing the above, I dreamed in the morning, that I saw a rather large volume of the New Law and it was said to me do not amass ancient laws. - - This is for sure an indication for me for this work that I should not get caught up in a volume of the Mishnah Torah, for such is not the purpose of the New Law. I must remember that (1) the New Law does not come to re-teach the Jewish Tradition. Whoever is desirous of studying the whole tradition of Israel must go to the sources, the Torah, Talmud, the Mishnah Torah etc. (2) in the first place the New Law is meant to be a guide to righteous and wise behaviour on a universal level, for all people (3) even though we must also provide the New Law for the Altars of Judah and Efraim, this does not entail re-explaining the whole Jewish Tradition but in explaining that which pertains to practical application. There is no reason, for example to explain the Jewish laws of marriage but rather the New Laws of marriage for the respective Altars of Judah, Efraim and Malchitzedek. Gnomen 4 (4) We are gleaning certain principles from the Mishnah Torah to demonstrate that the Law of the FR is rooted in the Torah and Tradition but such notes or citations must be brief and as few as possible; otherwise it will obfuscate the purpose of the New Law and bring it into a Jewish realm of legal halachic study which is not its purpose (5) The Law of the FR must be kept as simple as possible and must be as clear as possible. That new complications are always born of laws because of innumerable complications in life situations that require detailed analysis and judgment and the establishing of new legal precedents etc., is also true of the New Law but not in this phase of history. That will be the work of the Tribunal of Mordechai Ha-Tzadik in the course of this Fourth Generation and afterwards. We must now establish, aside from the new laws of the new priesthood and new rite of the FR, the principle laws, such as the Ten Commandments, as well as many principle teachings of the Torah which are not yet known or understood in the world at large such as concerning idolatry and the true monotheistic faith but also concerning basic hygiene or concerning dangers which must be avoided. Gnomen 5 - (6) The Book of the New Law must not become a large volume (as I was shown in the dream) because most people are not wont to read large volumes, especially concerning law. It must remain in the context of the prophesied Tablets that the reader can run through, thus of easy access to all readers, simple, clear and as short as possible. The wisdom of the New Law lies in such a synthesis or succinctness while at the same time not being lacking in comprehensiveness (or at least extendible comprehensiveness) ; this is a holy wisdom not of Man or Donkey but a gift of light from the Source of all wisdom which is revealed to us by way of the Completed Signs in merit of the Final Goel, the Teacher of Life, Haim. Gnomen 6 (7) I am now remembering that in an important vision of the Donkey at Sombrero; he had, thank God, the great privilege of seeing Moses, our teacher, who placed inside his heart The Book of the New Law. I have not thought about it previously but the size of that Book was not large (as is the volume dreamed yesterday) but, lets say, something closer to a Book of 300 pages easily readable. Thus the 2 visions coincide. The New Law must be concise, clear and uncomplicated. (note May, 1999 - that Book refers to these 30 Passes of 30 Gnomen which represents the Heart of the Law of the FR but the extension of the laws to more specific Tables will eventually be of several volumes, I believe, nor are those Tables properly closed because they also represent the continuation of the Law of the FR in the upcoming generations. Gnomen 7 All the above laws of the forbidden fornications are valid for the New Law of the Final Redemption on the authority of the Teacher of Life, Haim, for the Altars of Judah, Efraim and Malkitzedek. Gnomen 8 - It is forbidden to approach children of any age with sexual intentions, sexual gestures or sexual words and expressions. Whoever does such and certainly whoever commits a sexual act with a child is hated before the Creator of the Universe and his or her soul is cut off from any contact with the truth, plunging into the depths of the impure forces. Gnomen 9 Those who have committed adultery or fornication or abominations because of ignorance or for weakness cannot enter into the Final Pact of the Final Redemption until they have corrected their actions and have been cleaned and purified of their sins. The Completed Signs will be the measuring rod, for such a person will not receive signs in dreams being that his or her soul is cut off from contact with the Kingdom of Heaven. If such a person, through faith, begins to receive signs, he or she is on the road to salvation. The signs will then indicate the corrections to be made and the path to follow. Gnomen 10 For the New Law, the religious marriage of all those of the Christian faith in their respective churches as well as all civil marriage, is not valid in the cases of complete separation by agreement. If, for example, a man has a relation with a woman who no longer lives with ( for at least a period of time which demonstrates her independence) and no longer has sexual relations with her (former) husband, he has not committed adultery. Gnomen 11 Homosexuals and lesbians cannot enter the Great Congregation of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob until they have repented, changed the course of their life and have been cleaned and purified of their sins. The proof of repentance is total abstention from their previous actions. This, however, does not entail returning or practising normal heterosexual relations. One may simply stay unmarried. Nor does it mean that the tendency itself is non-existent because, in general, the tendency itself does not go away. It is rather not given into for reason of his or her fear of God and the knowledge of the gravity of sins against nature and the punishment of the soul for such both in this world and the next. Gnomen 12 The person who does have the force and the will to change his unnatural course and no longer gives in to that tendency, does, indeed, a great service before God and benefits his or her own soul and is greatly elevated by the force of his or her abstinence. For in this the person has become a dominating judge within himself or herself and the master of his or her own actions as he or she desires and not as the tendency would have it. In such cases it is said in Tradition that even the sins done voluntarily and knowingly will become merits. For he or she uses the force of that evil or unnatural tendency itself to go against the tendency and to serve God with the same force and energy and enthusiasm which would otherwise have been used in sin. Gnomen 13 It is possible to invert an aberated tendency here in this Fourth Generation in the merit of the holy Tzadik and Final Goel, Haim. I report here the important and amazing sign received by Anna Gasparotti: Gnomen 14 The Bread of the Donkey dressed as a Lion: (dream 582 - Anna Gasparotti dreamed (July 31, 1989 - Villosimius (Sardinia) ) that Marco Federico (her son) had gone to play in the woods near their house and was now calling for help. She and her husband George ran to him and he informed them that he had been molested by a man. This man was known to them; he was married and had a son. George spoke to him trying to make him understand that it was wrong for him to behave in such a way. The man seemed to understand. Then an elderly man, also homosexual, joined the conversation. This man had never been married and had always lived with his mother and had always hidden from her this fact. In speaking about himself, he related a dream. Anna interpreted the dream, saying that it revealed that his mother had come to understand this fact very well and that for this very reason she had died of heart failure. The man was very struck by this revelation and he remembered that, in fact, his mothers face had assumed an extremely tormented expression and that this mask (of not letting him know that she knew) had been transformed only after her death. Since the two men now seemed to be convinced that they were in error, Anna and George decided to bring them to Peretz. Peretz received them and invited them to enter a room in which, to the amazement, incredulity and joy of Peretz, George and Anna, there was the Teacher Haim. The Teacher was seated on a sofa with his face turned towards the window. Peretz murmured some words of thankfulness to God. Anna quickly went close to the Teacher to show how delighted she was. The two men, of course, knew nothing of the Teacher or of the miracle of his being resurrected from the dead. These two men were then washed with soap and rinsed in the genital zone (following an oval sign which passed under the scrotum, turned towards the outside and passed over the penis). With the purification finished, there was conversation but only at the moment of taking leave, one of the men, somewhat astonished, said that the Teacher, in a way unseen by the others, while they were in that sign of purification, had passed his hand over their back side. This information created great joy for Peretz, George and Anna who understood its meaning, namely that the healing of the two men had been completed and that they had been freed forever of their homosexuality. - Gnomen 15 This is not simply good news. It is amazing and miraculous news of the Final Redemption. Who might fathom the humility of the Tzadik, Haim, in fulfilling this Sign of healing? If someone truly desires this healing and he or she knows of the Completed Signs of the FR, the sign has been given. Four people who are in the Final Pact and who receive authorisation may perform the sign as in the dream. The dream itself should be read together slowly and passionately, even with tears and exaggerated motions. In the faith of this healing of the Teacher Haim, the healing will take place immediately. Gnomen 16 The man who commits adultery with a married woman incurs the punishment of Heaven, both in this world and the next. In the next world, as the times come into place, the man whose wife defiled will be given to judge the adulterer and his unfaithful wife as he sees fit. Terrible is the shame when those hidden sins become revealed in the world of truth. But also in this world they receive punishments, especially in this Fourth Generation where the Divine Justice directs itself to the purification of the earth, and does not, so to speak, wait for the punishments of the next world in the manner of the past. Gnomen 17 Also married men must be careful not to breach the faith that has been taken with ones wife. Many relationships of marriage have been ruined by what is considered, especially in the modern Christian world in which monogamy has become the only legal status acceptable, as infidelity. Since this concept of infidelity has been mutually agreed to both husband and wife, it is similar to an oath taken before God and must be respected. Gnomen 18 Nevertheless, there is not the same severity from Heaven on the married man who sometimes has extra-marital relations with unmarried women as it is for the married woman who has defiled herself with another man. She is called defiled before the Tribunal of Heaven and she has rendered herself totally impure. The essence of a woman is her modesty and the essence of a wife is her fidelity to her husband. We must remember that these virtues will return in the generations of the Final Redemption. For they are true virtues loved by God and their value is everlasting. Gnomen 19 The sex of a woman is intimate; it is inside her. If she opens her intimacy to another man outside of her husband, she has betrayed her own essence, as a woman and as a wife and as a mother, if she has children. She has thus lost her purpose before Heaven and her soul is cut off from before God. The sex of a man is external. As he is filled so must he give. Both his desire and his pleasure are short-lived compared to the intimate desire and intimate pleasure of a woman. In tradition the ratio is given as 9 to 1. The womans desire and pleasure is 9 portions compared to one portion of a man. The woman who gives herself to another man has given away her intimate love. This is not necessarily so in case of a man. In nature I speak, as nature was created and as the nature that will return after this Fourth Generation. Gnomen 20 Monogamy, nonetheless, is not a principle of the New Law of the Final Pact because consideration is given to the law of nature as designed by the Creator, Blessed is He. The Torah did not prohibit a Jewish man from taking more than one wife, on the condition that he is in a position to do such and to maintain them in separate living-quarters. This is clear and certain proof that there is nothing against nature in having 2 or more wives. Nor is there any sin in this before God. It is, however, not a commandment of the Torah nor even a counciled recommendation. It is simply a normal possibility which doesnt offend the law of God in any way. Gnomen 21 Poretz Gader: To speak of this in Christian lands, however, is not so simple, even more so in a Catholic country. And its not that Ashkenazic Jewry is much better on this point. A heavy weight rolled off my back in formulating Gnomen 20 above. Truth is heavy when spoken of where it is unknown or un-understood or unappreciated. But my passport name gives me incentives to cut down Pauls psychological disdain for marital love. I would have recommended that he take 4 wives instead of asserting his condescending permission to take a wife only if one was so weak as not to be able to abstain from such a worldly activity. Poppycock! It is a mitzvah to get married and to enjoy the pleasures of marital love and not to practice pious hypocrisy and spiritual futility. Deborah received a correction sign concerning Pauls frustrating results. Gnomen 22 (dream 268) Deborah dreamed (Nov. 12, 1987 - Milan) that, with Claudio, she went up to the top of a mountain where there was much snow, to a place that accommodated many old people. A doctor spoke to Deborah and explained to her that for the fault of Paolo those persons were depressed. Paolo had given them what to eat but he had forgotten a very important thing. They had natural needs to satisfy and Paolo had not thought of this. The doctor continued, saying that the seed had to be reinforced. Deborah, finding this somewhat difficult to understand, asked the doctor how it was possible that at such an age they still had such needs. The doctor answered that it was normal, adding that Paolo held those men as if in an Old Age Home. -* * this concerns the Tikkun Paulus in reference to his philosophy on sex and the abstinence that he advocated- Gospels Corrected - Tikkun Paulus Gnomen 23 Nevertheless, the law of the country is law *. This saves us worlds of work in not having to establish new penal and civil codes. Hee-haw! We need convince no one in Christian lands of monogamy or otherwise; bigamy is forbidden by civil law and by popular consensus. The New Law, however is not only for Christian lands; it is likewise for Moslem lands and for Israel and for all. It is our obligation to explain what is truly the law as it is Above in the Higher Tribunal. The possibility of Bigamy has been established for the Altars of Judah, Efraim, Malchitzedek and for the Rug of Islam. This, however, is where it is not against the civil law of the country. See Tablet 7, Table New Marriage. *(dina d'malchuta dina) - see sign of Daniele my feet are guided by Moses, magister noster; in the first part of that dream is indicated this basic concept of the law of Moses that the law of the country is law - 721 - Daniel dreamed (Nov. 13, 1990 - Milan) that he was together with Peretz; they were riding bicycles on a street in Milan. Peretz asked Daniel if he had a license; Daniel checked and answered, No. Thus they got off the bicycles and went on foot. etc. - Gnomen 24 It is prohibited by the New Law of the Final Pact for a man to have intercourse with his wife during the days of her menstrual period and for a certain number of clean days afterwards. For the Altar of Judah, this prohibition extends from the law of the Torah and it then becomes binding on the Altar of Efraim. For the Altar of Malchitzedek this prohibition is created for reason of the natural damages caused by menstrual impurity. See Tablet 7, Table Menstrual Period.
Goder Peretz: The Tzadik, Haim, explained that one of the foremost reasons for which babies are born retarded or mongoloid is that these were born from a relation in which there was still menstrual impurity. Ignorance is widespread in all countries of the world on this matter, but the time is now ripe for comprehension and for correction. Gnomen 25 For the Law of the FR, the Completed Signs establish the New Mikveh (Particular Bath for purification) according to the new criteria revealed for this purpose. The main purpose of the Mikveh is to cleanse the woman of her impurity, after she has counted the necessary number of clean days after her flux has totally stopped. See Tablet 7, Table New Mikveh. The New Mikveh (when the New Community will be functioning) is to be used also for the women of the Altar of the Nations. It is here that certain prohibitions of the Torah become practical wisdom for the nations to the benefit of all. Gnomen 26 The Holy Torah provided the world with the great remedy for marriages gone amiss, the divorce. The Catholic Church abrogated this privilege, inflicting frustration and incrementing suffering and creating more sinners, just as it abrogated the privilege of marriage to its clergy, making their prayers of repentance necessary every day and every night. So has Catholicism been the religion of suffering and of ignorance, but the Final New Pact is the new way of living ones life pleasurably and with the true knowledge of what is loved by God and what is against His will and what is against nature. For the New Laws of Divorce see Table of the New Marriage. Gnomen 27 - The proper and natural manner of intercourse is that the man remain above the woman, and never vice versa. The woman is as the earth and man is as a mountain whose waters furnish the valleys with living seed. Bread of the Donkey dressed as a Lion: (dream 317) - Adam dreamed (April 10, 1988 - Milan) that it was night and he was in a mountain pass in the desert of Sinai together with Peretz, Davide Levi and Paolo. The air was clean and the atmosphere fantastic and the path was illumined by the light of the moon. At one point Peretz said, You see those mountain ridges up there on the heights? Those are as the man who must lay over the woman. After this, Peretz was alone with Adam; he was slightly above the ground by some inches and he made quick rotating movements with the sceptre. Suddenly, on the ground, an oval-shaped rug appeared upon which was written in Hebrew ze`au ''d (Adonai Tzevaot - God of the hosts). Adam remembers that there were other things written on the rug which, if read by him, would help him to resolve a great problem. Adam then woke up, frightened by the fact of having read such a holy writing. Gnomen 28 It is forbidden by the laws of nature created by God Almighty to practice sodomy or anal-intercourse with ones wife. In the preliminary stages of love-making, however, it is not forbidden for a man to pass over that part and even remain there for a while, but not inside. And if it happened that seed flowed because of his pleasure in that position, this is nothing since it is outside and is not called anal-intercourse. Gnomen 29 In general, if it happens that a mans seed spills out in his love-making before he entered her, there is no sin in this. But if such is done in order to avoid pregnancy, then this is a forbidden spilling of the seed, unless there is a valid reason for avoiding pregnancy, such as for reason of poverty or regarding the state of ones health or because there are already two children and they feel themselves unable to have more than two. Even if a woman ejaculated her husband for passion or licked him all over or sucked him until seed came out, there is no sin in this. It is, however, a very bad practice for a man to suck the womans place, for this leads to a terrible lowering of his thoughts and it may even cause eye damage. See Tablet 7, Table Sex Life Gnomen 30 For the Altars of Judah and Efraim it is properly forbidden to do love-making with ones wife when she has her menstrual period and until she has performed the Ritual Bath of the Mikveh, even though one is intent and careful not to have intercourse. For the woman is in a state of impurity and if he clings and kisses and touches that impurity (which is on her whole body), his inclination in that moment will be ten times stronger than normally and he will come to commit a sin. The same is recommended for those of the Altar of Malchitzedek because as far as the inclination is concerned there is absolutely no difference. The separation between husband and wife during her menstrual period is loved before the Lord, our God, for all people. For reason of the law of nature it is forbidden to practice coitus interruptus, beginning inside and finishing outside. This is psychologically very damaging to the brain and eventually creates distortions and depression and physical illness. It is much better to use contraceptives, especially when there are valid reasons for not procreating. =====================================================