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Sefer Mishnat Haim
Petal 2 - Sefer Ha-Hhok ha-Hhadash - the Law of the Final Redemption
These are 30 Tablets of 30GNOMEN each representing the Heart of the Law of the Final Redemption
contents - some basic laws based on the Mishnah Torah, the question of the punishments of Gehinnom, the hell coming to earth in this Fourth Generation, thieves who repent
TABLET 8 : Thirty Passes
* notes from Mishnah Torah hilchot Geneivah
perek 1, halacha 1 - Whoever steals money the worth of a Prutah ((small value such as a cent or a nickel)) or more transgresses a negative commandment, as it states You shall not steal. The thief, however, is not given the whip, for he is given to payment since the Torah obligates him to pay. It is the same whether he steals money of a Jew or of a non-Jew or of an adult or of a child.
2 One must not steal anything, even for a joke or with the intention of giving it back or paying it back. ** halacha 2 - It is forbidden to steal anything; this is the law of the Torah. And it is forbidden to steal as a joke, or to steal with the intention of giving it back or with the intention of paying it back, all this is prohibited so as not to become accustomed to such.
Gnomen 3
There is a difference of terminology in the Torah between a GANAV (THIEF) and a GAZLAN (THUG). The thief is one who steals without the owners knowledge. The thug is one who steals by force openly.* halacha 3 - Who is a thief (ganav)? one who takes someones money without the owners knowledge ---- but one who takes it by force, openly (publicly) is not called a thief but a thug (gazlan)-
Gnomen 4
In this phase of history the Tribunal of Mordechai ha-Tzadik of the Final Redemption will not occupy itself with penal or civil law.*
halacha 4 A thief against whom proper witnesses testified that he stole must pay twice as much to the owner. If he stole a dinar, he must pay 2 dinarim. If he stole an ass or a garment or a camel, he pays twice the worth; thus he himself loses the same amount that he tried to take away from the owner.halacha 5
A thief who admitted that he stole pays only the worth and is exempt from the double, as it states the one accused by the Tribunal pays double and not the one who accuses himself must pay double. So is the law concerning all money-punishments (kenassot) that the one who admits by himself is exempt (from the double).halacha 6
The payment of double is so of all things except for a kid or a bull; for the one who steals a bull or a kid and he slaughtered it or sold it pays 4 times as much for a kid and five times as much for a bull.
Gnomen 5
One must not buy stolen objects when he is sure that they are stolen. One reason is that this is encouragement to thieves * . Another reason is that there is no blessing from Heaven on stolen objects.* perek 5, halacha 1
It is prohibited to buy from a thief the object that he stole: This is a great sin because he strengthens the hands of sinners and causes the thief to steal more, for if no one would buy he would not steal, as it states, who takes a portion with a thief hates himself.Gnomen 6
One must be extremely careful that the measures and weights used in commerce be exact and according to the agreed on measures used in that country. ** perek 7, halacha 1
Someone who measures out with weights that are lacking the proper weight agreed to in that country, or who measures something with a measure lacking in the agreed to measure, transgresses a negative commandment, as it states do not commit iniquity in judgment with a measure or a weight or a mesurah (for measuring the quantity of water) -Gnomen 7
The Holy Torah is very severe concerning this prohibition, prohibiting even a corrupt weight or measure to be left in the house even when it is not used for buying or selling * . This is for not coming to error and for not falling under suspicion.* halacha 3
Whoever retains in his house or in his store a lacking measure or a lacking weight transgresses a negative commandment, as it states there shall not be in your pocket etc.----even though he does not buy or sell with it, lest someone who knows not that it is lacking come and use it for measuring.Gnomen 8
It is forbidden to take possession of someone elses land property, even an inch. This is equal to stealing * .* halacha 11
One who apprehends the terrain of another, having the others terrain enter his own, even a finger, if he did it by force, he is a gazlan and if he did it in a hidden manner, he is a ganav-Gnomen 9
In tradition it states that the law concerning proper measures and weights is even more severe than the laws of fornication and the sexual offenses, in the sense that concerning the sexual offenses, this is between man and his neighbor but concerning proper weights and measures this is between man and God * .* halacha 12
The punishment for measures are more severe than the punishments for sins of fornication (arayot), for this is between him and his Maker while fornication is a sin between one person and another. And whoever denies the commandment of the proper measures, it is as if he denied the going out of Egypt because that was the beginning of the commandments. And whoever receives upon himself the Commandment of the proper measures admits to the going out of Egypt, as that was the cause to all the commandments.Gnomen 10
It is forbidden to steal or to sell another person * .* perek 9, halacha 1
Whoever steals another person transgresses a negative commandment, as it states DO NOT STEAL. This verse of the Ten Commandments is a warning against stealing other people. Likewise whoever sells another person transgresses a negative commandment, for these are in the category of he shall not sell him as slave merchandise-----This is a negative precept which is given to the Tribunal to judge for the death penalty, as it states if there is found a person who steals another person from among his brothers etc. and his death is by strangulationGnomen 11
Whoever steals has spiritually bloodied his hands.The Bread of the Donkey dressed as a Lion: (dream 775) - Deborah dreamed (Jan. 22, 1992 - Sombrero) that she saw dealers of precious stones; among them there were also honest dealers who had not bloodied their hands with theft etc. From
Heaven it was said that dealing in precious stones is not a crime, but dealing dishonestly in precious stones was a crime.Gnomen 12
It was taught to me by the Tzadik Haim, that, unfortunately, until now, the terrible lower realms which serve as the places of the infernal punishments of Gehinom, are filled with thieves whose souls are subjected to horrendously fierce punishments. The Teacher Haim did not like to speak about Gehinom nor did he want to teach me the detailed punishments and tortures that the sinners are subjected to there according to what each one must pay for his evil actions. But the matter is part of the truth known to the Hidden Tzadikim.Gnomen 13
Unfortunately but necessarily, hell or inferno or Gehinom (or Gehenam or Gehenna), the lower realms where the souls of sinners are sent by the Judgment of the Higher Tribunal to cleanse them of their sins, exists. Many live their lives the Tzadik Haim would say, thinking that they can do whatever they want as if there was no judgment. They do not realize that there is judgment for every action done by the person. It is true that there is freedom of action, but after ones freedom of doing ahe wishes, there is judgment. I have given you free choice; now let us see and judge what you have done with it.Gnomen 14
Often the Tzadik would add, All this and there is death in the world. What would the evil-doers (reshaim) do if death didnt exist!!! But they do not know that as they sin in this world, their punishments are being prepared in Gehinam below, and with their sins, they add to it day by day and hour by hour. The person who dies, after he is buried, wakes up and knows that he has died. Angels then come and tell him to prepare himself or herself to stand in judgment. This is if and when the person, even the heavy sinner, has merited to stand in judgment.Gnomen 15
For even to receive the punishments of Gehinam, God save us, one has first to have enough merit to stand in judgment. There exist punishments worse than those of Gehinam, such as gilgulim when the souls of sinners are sent into animals, God save us, or even into objects, God save us. These are worse than the punishments of Gehinam. Sometimes the humble Tzadik, Haim, Head of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim would explain, more with facial inflections than with words, the immense and unrelenting suffering of those in gilgul, inside an animal, a cat, a dog, a cow, a pig or whatever was decreed.Gnomen 16
He explained that the soul in gilgul is fully aware of its own existence as a human soul but the person is forced into living and eating and smelling and feeling everything that the animal by its nature does. There is nothing more painful or more humiliating than this for the living soul, created in the image of God, compelled for reason of its sins, to live inside an animal, fully conscious of who he or she is. The soul in its essence yearns to be close to its Creator and this soul must smell and eat disgusting left- over in the back alley trash cans in the cat that he is in.Gnomen 17
One can understand that the Tzadik Haim was loathe to elongate on this subject. The Tzadik can see the suffering souls in animals and he can feel their screaming and crying and he knows for what reason the decree on that soul was such. Very often, those in gilgul, when the decreed time of their suffering is finished, are brought by the Divine Providence before one of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim who with a blessing or particular words known to them, liberate the soul from its punishment.Gnomen 18
So is it true that still millions of souls, because of their sins in the world, are sent for a period of time, depending on the gravity of the sins committed, to the punishments of hell. This is no fable. The Lord, our GodGod, gave free choice to mankind. The person may choose to do good or he may choose to do evil. For doing good there is recompense, sometimes in this world and sometimes in the other world and sometimes both. So too must there exist the punishments for those who have chosen evil as their course in life. They receive punishments, sometimes in this world and sometimes, even worse, in the other world and sometimes, still worse, in both.Gnomen 19
In Jewish tradition, the Kaddish or prayer for the defunct, is said for 11 months by the immediate members of the family. The reason for this is given that the maximum length of a sentence to Gehinom is, God save us, 11 months. This is the maximum the Teacher, Haim, would say, This is the maximum, but a decree of 1 month is already an extremely severe decree. Even a week represents a terrible punishment to that soul. As the Sages, of blessed memory explain, 1 hour of punishment in Gehinam is more terrible than all the pains of this world put together. One does not realize how excruciatingly painful it is for a soul to have to enter Gehinam, whether for tortures of fire or tortures of ice or whatever.Gnomen 20
This, however, is in general the Tzadik Haim explained. All depends on the decree of the Higher Tribunal because of the sins of that person. There can, in exceptional cases be sentences for more than 11 months. But they are comparatively rare, also because there are punishments worse than Gehinam. There exist sinners who are so callused in their sins that they sin even while they are in Gehinam. They are, for example, in the midst of their tortures and it happens that some female soul passes by or is close by, and these sinners cannot refrain from thinking evil thoughts or from making evil comments. So thickly the sins have become part of their being, God save us and God protect us from all this.Gnomen 21
The Teacher, Haim, explained, Many times hardened thieves or other sinners are punished in Gehinam and then immediately sent into the world again, born again into some family, without having rested in peace or taken of any light in the other world. Often they are sent into situations in their life where they may pay back in some way the unpaid debts of past lives. The situation that will manifest itself, however, will be such that that person will have the choice to do good or again to cheat or steal. The same manner of free choice, similar to situations in past lives where he chose badly, will be offered him, with the hope from Heaven that by choosing to do good this time he may correct his past and begin his elevation in the faith and fear of God.Gnomen 22
Some of them, however, have the evil tendency so wrapped up in themselves that they keep choosing evil. They live in sin; they receive punishments in Gehinam; they are sent back into the world; they choose again to sin and the vicious cycle goes on. This is one of the reasons for which comes the Fourth Generation, that Great and Terrible Day of Gods judgment over all souls, living and dead. The vicious cycles of sinners must come to an end while the precious souls of those who aspire to serve the Creator of the Universe must come to a marvelous conclusion which is also the beginning of a wonderful new world of the lovers of good.Gnomen 23
Those who steal and rob others of their just portion are destroyers of harmony on earth as they are destroyers of the celestial harmony inherent in the stellar orders created by God Almighty. For the stars give their portion, each star to the person born under it, but these distort the portions of the stars and create disharmony and disasters. In the Fourth Generation, however, due to the concluding cycles of the Stars of the Redemption, the stars in general, enter, so to speak, into their new orbits relative to the Final Redemption. Thus there are moments throughout the Fourth Generation in which the, stars so to speak, shake off their orbits of the past dispelling from themselves any disharmony that was created by the actions of those under them.Gnomen 24
The Bread of the Donkey dressed as a Lion: (dream 260) - Daniel dreamed (Oct. 8, 1987 - Milan) that someone said to him that he knew Peretz and the New Message but he didnt know the Second Commandment. Daniel took out of his pocket a paper upon which was written the 2nd Commandment but instead only the words
TO THOSE THAT HATE ME were written. A strong wind came, blowing away the paper from Daniels hands. The room changed and there was no ceiling. An infinity of stars were seen. Daniel then said the Second Commandment by heart word for word and as he did so there were thunder-claps and lightning and stars were falling from every side until there was a proper rainfall of stars. Then everything was dark and nothing could be seen. Daniel understood that this was the wrath of God. -Gnomen 25
This has been revealed in the Completed Signs in the name of the stars which displace themselves or the stars which move here and there very quickly. The apex of the terrible displacement of the stars will correspond to the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord, in the latter part of the second half of the Fourth Generation, we believe. A cataclysmic change takes place in the world until people will lose sight of where they are:
Gnomen 26
Bread of the Donkey dressed as a Lion: (dream 331) -
Paolo dreamed (May 21, 1988 - Milan) a long and confusing dream of which he remembers a few scenes. In the world there was an atmosphere of fear and people were frightened. It was felt that a great cataclysm or something similar was coming. Paolo associated this to the Day of the Lord . After this Paolo found himself after the Day of the Lord. He saw that the earth was semi-deserted. Some men came towards him among whom were two Russians in uniform, who frightened, asked in which locality they were. Paolo knew that the terrible Day of the Lord had just passed, but also he did not know where he was. -
Gnomen 27
Bread of the Donkey dressed as a Lion: (dream 37) -
Giuseppe dreamed (August 6, 1991 - Milan) that he was in the mountains; there was a group of people. No one was able to understand where he or she was; it was frightening; there was no sun, it was dark but no stars could be seen; the air was terrible, the darkness was thick; the only thing that one could do was to walk and not to stop walking; no one knew the destination; the mountains were fragile having been shuffled by earthquakes; the world was without light and was held by tenebrous forces. In that small group of persons, however, there was a light - the faith in God. Yet the physical darkness was so thick that no one was able to see his own feet. -Gnomen 28
Those souls who have refused to exit from their vicious cycles of sin will be extirpated during this Fourth Generation. Therefore the New Final Pact, in merit of the Final Goel, Haim, comes in time, to give the wonderful news of the coming of the Final Goel and of the revelation of the Completed Signs and to warn the world in the new prophecies of this Fourth Generation. Many will repent from their ways when they read these messages and will change their ways and begin afresh. Many will again be loved after they were hated for their evil ways. Many will understand and they will seek the way of the correction in every aspect of their life.Gnomen 29
A thief who has repented must at first try to repay the losses that he has caused. This very often is not possible. How, for example, might a pick-pocket who has been stealing for years, pay back the losses! This fact represents a great obstacle in the repentance of a thief and in his or her correction. That person must try to make of the rest of his life an act of charity. He should try to live in such a way as not to benefit from his own earnings more than his necessities and the rest should be dedicated to helping others and to charitable causes. He must go above the measure in generosity so that he is forced to self-abnegation, not because such is loved by God in essence but in the case of thieves who repent it is an expedient for effecting ones correction.Gnomen 30
If one has bloodied his hands with theft and he or she repents, it will yet be most difficult for such a person to feel his hands clean because, in truth, they are spiritually bloodied by theft. Such stained hands are hardly worthy of being lifted to God in prayer for his sins are written on his hands. One must take the above advice, therefore, in dedicating the rest of his life to giving and to disdain taking anything for himself for these are expedients in the long and difficult process of the cleansing of ones hands. Then may he well lift his hands in prayer and seek further cleaning and purification from the Almighty God of mankind who is merciful and who accepts the repentance of every sincere heart and who helps miraculously those who truly seek their own correction.======================================